Got Pride

Born gay, follow the ray

I sat down in my usual sot, opening up my lunch box and spreading my food across the table. If Frankie wasn’t the first one here, I won’t be able to talk to her. Then I saw her scanning the room t see if I was here. I could see fear in her eyes. What does she think I’m going to do, molest her in the caf. She sat down looking into my eyes.

“Well,” was all she said.

“Why did you do that? God knows I enjoyed it but I’m confused.” I asked her trying to keep a straight face. Her forehead was all scrunched up. She quietly said “I wanted you really bad. That’s about the only thing I can say. But I don’t think I’m ready. My body is but my head say’s otherwise.”

I was sort of relieved. I want to take things slow. Then she hit me with another stupid blow.
“But can I come over tonight?” She looked at me , biting her lip because she was pretty damn nervous.

“Of course.” I saw Kelly skipping over to our table followed by Joe and Hannah.
“Where’s the rest of the guys?” I asked wondering where Ryan and Nickie could be.
Kelly slid onto the seat next to me and bumped my hip. “Ryan has freshman lunch (sucka) and Nickie is talking to her boyfriend. She’ll be here later.”

His hair was gelled up into a Mohawk and he had glittery eye shadow on. Wait that looked like my eye shadow.

“Kennedy Michael Donavan, did you steal my make up?” I asked fuming. If he wanted some he could just ask. It was the good kind though. I had bought it in Soforia.

“Umm, no…… Okay maybe…… Yes it’s yours. I’m sorry” He looked like someone had just walked up to him holding a gun. I wasn’t going to hurt him, ....much.

“Please hear me out, I have a date tonight!” He said barley covering his enthusiasm. “It’s with this guy, he’s in the closet but we are going to ‘Fluffy’s’. “ I stared at him. No way he was going to the local gay bar alone, he’s just a high school kid.

“Umm, have you forgotten the fact that we are oh I don’t know…Seventeen!!!” I said “Your in high school. You can’t just strut your way in there.”

“I know someone on the inside. Please if you want to meet him you can come. He told me to see if you guys want to come. He thinks the prom idea is cute.”

I shook my head. “How old is he?” I asked, partially scared to hear the answer.

“A senior at Bishop.” He mentioned the local all-boys school.

“What time? Don’t forget we have school tomorrow.” He was going to go no matter what. Mide as well go see hot boys making out. YUM!

“Only until ten. Who else is coming?” he asked looking around the table. Frankie was busy playing with my hair, Hannah shrugged meaning “unless something better comes up”, and Joe was staring at the table. Joe couldn’t, could he? Did he like “like” Kelly? This is a job for Pussy Doo!!!

“Ryan won’t want to (You would have to drag him by his hair to get him in a club, not a even mention a gay club), and I think Nickie has a project due.” I said “So I guess it’s the five of us, but ask Nickie anyway.”

That stupid bell tolled again. I gave goodbye hugs and walked back to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
More Kelly!!!!! Yeah,
Poor Joe, he want's some ass action but he's to afraid to ask. Might I make him a slut at the club, We shall see
Thanks for all the comments! I love you people and I baked muffins.
*hands out muffins to commentors*