Got Pride

Born straight, refuse to hate

God why did Eva say we would come? I hate crowds. The line wasn’t very long considering it was pretty early. We have only been here for like 20 minutes. I can’t tell Eva I want to go. For her I’ll wait it out. The music isn’t bad, though Eva snickered when Sexy Back came on. Kelly is scanning the room looking for his date. Kelly knows the owner and he told us we could drink if we wanted, just not to rat him out.

Eva has had two so far. I can feel her loosening up. One per 10 minutes, that can’t be healthy. She started to rub my shoulders. It feels sooo good and I can’t help but lean against her. She sorta sways her hips to the rhythm, with each song her hands going father down.

Hannah didn’t end up coming so it was us, Kelly and Joe. Joe was in a verrry bad mood. He kept getting checked out by a lot of the guys here, who seemed not much older than us. Then a bear came over to him and asked him if he wanted to dance. Poor Joe growled at him.

“Joey, is that a nice way to talk to people?” I asked wondering what was up. Eva smiled and slightly slurring “Joe is only here for Kelly; Joe loves Kelly.” What is she talking about? How strong were her drinks? She went to go grab another, but I pushed away her hand from the bar.

“Eva, your drunk.” Her face fell and I felt bad. But she would thank me when she didn’t have a hangover tomorrow. “Honey, I’m just buzzed. One more Pleaseeee”

“No, baby.” I said kissing her lightly on the lips. Mummm, Mint and the essence of Eva. She always tasted like sugar coated fruit. Now her breath was swirled with refreshing mint and the mixture was tantalizing. We kissed slightly opening our mouth, enough to let each other in. Her hands were slowly traveling from my waist where they had laid to more dangerous territory.

“Uhmm,” I heard someone clear his throat. I dislodged my mouth from hers. She didn’t want to break the connection and moved down to my collar bone. “That tickles. Stop it.”

“This is my date, Marc Longa” He seemed nice enough. He had his ear pierced and a small smile on his face. I looked down and saw their hands entangled, Kelly’s pink polish next to Marc’s bright purple polish.

Joe grunted and I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you” he said firmly grasping my hand.
We made small talk and Joe couldn’t seem to be civil to Marc. And the Eva made things worse.

She laughed and said ” Joe, getting jealous you don’t have a piece of hot ass. Go find one. God knows that guy over there has been checking you out for the last 30 minutes.”
Joe went over to the kid in question. He seemed maybe only 19. Joe reached across the bar, whispering in his ear. The guy must have liked what he saw. Joe pulled him on the dance floor and they started to grind.

Kelly, not wanting to be outdone, pulled Marc against himself and seemed to get lost in the music. I checked my watch, only two more hours to go.

“Wanna Dance?” Eva said smiling ear to ear. I could see her small teeth with those big choppers in the front.

“Okay” and with that she pulled me onto the middle of the floor.
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For those of you who don't know what a bear is, it's a gay guy who is all manly and rugged.

Ex. Gay Bikers

Sorry if this seems off to those of you that have been in bars. I am agoraphobic So I've never been to one!