Got Pride

Normal is not normal

Joe picked up his cell phone on the first ring. “What do you want??” He sounded pissed off and slightly tired. God, as long as he is okay.

“”Joe, it’s Frankie. Where are you?” I had Eva on one hip and Kelly on the other. One drunk girl and a high (I think) boy. I can’t deal with his attitude now. He sighed loudly on the phone. “In the restaurant across the street. You had the keys, and I couldn’t find you. But I can’t stand watching Kelly and that GUY dance anymore. I’m really sorry.” I could hear the pain in his voice.

“We are gonna leave. Come to the car when you’re ready to leave.” I heard shuffling in the background. “I’ll be there in a minute” he said and hung up. Now to get them in the car.

I threw the money on the table, paying for my coffee. God, why did Kelly have to act like that. I could tell that guy didn’t want anything more than a quick fuck. I could take care of him. I would love him like he deserves it. I would take him to prom and we could dance all night. I’m only going with that girl to make her boyfriend jealous. She asked me to help.

Kelly looked so good tonight. The shirt clung to every curve and oh god those pants.

The car came into view and I could see Kelly. He didn’t look so good. Him arms were slack against his sides and his head rolled around, almost like it wasn’t connected. Eva was in the car, passed out n the back. Frankie walked up to me, grabbing my shoulders in a vice grip.

“I was so worried” She said tears starting to well over. I gave her the hug back.
Kelly was trying to scoot into the back but he couldn’t manipulate himself. I help him, holding his arm as he slid downward. He turned to me and I saw his eyes. Glazed over and glassy. Someone gave him drugs. MARC!!!!

My face twisted with pain and I was about to walk back into the bar when Frankie rested a hand on my shoulder. “Let it go. We have to get them somewhere safe.” I looked at Eva. Guess she wasn’t just tired. “Drunk?” I asked. She nodded.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed with amazing speed her phone number.

“Mom, I’m staying over Hannah’s tonight.” Lie

“She said I can borrow clothes.” Another lie

“No, everything is fine” Big fat humongous lie.

“Love you too” I guess it’s the truth.

She hung up and peeled out of the parking lot. Off to Eva’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.

I got grounded. Plus I have a lot of work.

Probaly will be one more update today and the first chapter of my new story. Hope you like it
Comments will be appricated. Doesn't awyone love me?