Got Pride

Don’t tell me who to love

Today had dragged on like a bad movie. Reminder to self: Never drink before going to school. I seriously wanted to die 2nd period. Stupid Math Teacher was all “Let’s have a pop quiz.” Is it possible to get a negative grade? I think I did.

Lunch wasn’t the most fun either. Joe wasn’t talking to Kelly, Kelly was half passed out on the table only every so often making enough noise that we knew he wasn’t dead, Ryan was mad that I hadn’t taken care of myself or Kelly, Hannah had heard enough that she was pissed for not going, and Nickie….well she was confused. Poor, poor Nickie.

The only one who was really talking to me was Frankie. It’s so weird that the one person who should be mad at me isn’t.

The rest of the day flew by, and made a funny whizzing noise as it did. Somehow, everything seemed to be falling out of place. Will we even end up going to prom? There is no way Kelly is ever going out with that Marc again. And somehow I have a feeling Joe doesn’t really want to go with that girl.

I leaned against the wall, waiting for Frankie to come out of the building. I looked over at the door, telepathically trying to make her come strolling out.

Where was she? She is never late. Deciding that the best thing to do was to look for her, I oh so calmly walked back into school, softly calling her name.

“Frankie, Where are you?” I said trying not to get any attention drawn to me.

Then I felt a hand on my back. My heart jumped into my throat and I could feel my stomach drop to the floor.

“Baby, it’s just me…” Frankie looked at me, her head cocked to the side.

“Are you okay? I didn’t frighten you too much, did I ?”

“Where were you?” I asked, generally wondering…

“Nowhere.” She answered, much too quickly.

What is going on? What in the world could she be hiding from me? It can’t be that important, is it?

I’ll find out soon enough. She is horrid at keeping secrets.
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HEHE, I hung out with the girl I based Frankie on today!
Yes I have a major crush.....Don't laugh!
Sorry it;s sooo short