Got Pride

Closets are for clothes

The bell rang signaling that last period of the last day of the week had ended. I was walking; okay well I was sorta running out the door when my teacher Mr. Rolley called me to his desk. I had no idea why but I signaled to Hannah, who was waiting, that I’d be a minute.
He looked very uncomfortable and a little out of place. What could he possibly have to tell me that got him so flustered?

“I saw the list of people buying tickets for prom…” Oh shit, I thought. He’s not going to tell us we can’t go. He better not.

“I think this is a very brave thing you are doing.” Um, what?

“When I was a teenager, I always felt the need to hide but I guess times have changed. I just want you two to know that you have my support.” I looked him over. He was young, clean cut and handsome. He was the teacher most girls wouldn’t mind sleeping with to pass. Why is he telling me this? Wait, how did he know? I put Eva and Frankie. Frankie sounds masculine enough for it to go unnoticed.

“How do you know?” I asked. “It’s sorta obvious you and Frankie are dating. Well, it’s obvious to me. And I saw your names and knew.” He looked at me sincerely. I think he truly cared.

“I just wanted you to feel like there is a cheering section no matter how small. “ He smiled starting to go through his papers. He looked up and questioned” Are you ‘out’ yet or is this your little coming out plan?”

“Not really. Like you said people guess, but we really are only out to those who matter. Unlike some couples we don’t feel the need to suck face every time we see each other. We are private about our life. This will be the first time we go to a social gathering as a ‘couple’. Usually, we are there as just friends.”

He stood up and packed away his things. “I don’t want to keep you from your friends. Have a nice weekend.” I smirked, thinking of tonight. “Oh, I will!”

Hannah looked at me as I walked out and bombarded me with questions “What happened? What did he say? Does it have to do with prom?”

“Calm down, I tell you later. I’ll see you over Kelly’s tomorrow, kay?” I waved and walked over to where Frankie was leaning against the brick wall. Tonight I was staying over her house. I wonder what we will do with all that time…
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Hehe...I wonder what types of trouble they'll get in.