Got Pride

Love is not a crime

“Ice cream is the food of the gods.” I licked the spoon over and over wishing there was more ice cream in the tub. I had just devoured a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Coffee ice cream when I saw Frankie hadn’t finished all her Phish food. I put on my cutest puppy face and pleaded “Can I have some, pweeese!”

She laughed and pushed the container towards me. I had an idea though. I walked into the kitchen and put it away. She had a quizzical look on her face and stayed in the hallway waiting for my next move.

I went back to her couch and sat down. She sat down and looked at me. She started to say “What the F..” when I pulled her face closer to mine. I lightly skimmed her lips, and I could taste the ice cream. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered “SOOOO much better this way.” She giggled and snuggled in closer to me. Her head was resting on my chest and I knew she could hear my heat slowing increasing in speed.

I didn’t want to just make out though. I ruffled her hair and got up. She looked over at me and pouted. I went back to where she was, leaning down for a kiss. I smoothed out her hair and she tried to grab onto me and deepen the kiss. Horny little fucker. I disentangled myself from her grasp and walked over to the movie rack. I felt like watching a movie, even though in the end we would just end up making out.

I shouted “How ‘bout Little Nicky?” She took the disk from my hand and put it in the player. When Jon Lovitz came on singing “Ladies Night”, we both joined in and ended up in a fit of giggles. Right about half way through the movie she paused it and looked very seriously at me “My parents are way, we have this whole house to ourselves and all you can think to do is to watch a movie. “

I stared back at her “What do you want to do?” I hated when she got like this. She felt I am bored sexually and wants to try to appease me. But the second we get really get going she stops. It’s quite frustrating. I understand she is nervous. I wish she could get that I love her and not what she does for me.

I sighed “I’m really tired and I just like holding you, okay?” I saw the little bit of fear in her eye’s disappear and she started the movie again. She leaned on top on me, her head resting on my shoulder with her hands wrapped around my waist. I felt so comfortable. I decided that resting my eyes would be a good idea and I could feel my lids slowly closing.

When I woke up I looked over at the clock and saw it was 3 am. I was lying in her bed curled up against her, stomach to back. She must have carried me over from the couch. Not a hard deal considering I’m a good 4 inches shorter than her and she is pretty athletic unlike my geeky lifestyle. She’s strong enough to carry the 120 pounds I think I weigh.

It is so warm and snuggly being near her. She seems to radiate love. I curled back up against her and went to sleep.
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I guess they aren't going to get up to much. Stupid Eva.