Got Pride

Love knows no gender

I woke up feeling a little cold and …wait, I’m alone. Where is she? Then I smelt something cooking. Following the delicious smell, I stumbled into the kitchen. She was in a camisole and dorm pants, cooking pancakes. Probably strawberry-chocolate chip considering that’s our favorite kind. She is an amazing cook, but she’s basically amazing at everything. And I’m not just saying that because I love her. She is athletic, artistic, smart and funny. I walked up behind her giving her a hug, resting my head between her shoulder blades.

“Morning sleepy head.” She said without turning around. I rubbed my eyes and gave her and exaggerated yawn. She flipped the pancakes over one last time and put them on a dish. Two for me and two for her. She had a little glob of pancake batter on her face. I took my thumb and captured the stray batter. I was about to eat it when she reminded me” Salmonella” and I went to wash my finger.

She sat down at the table and I joined her. We ate silently, just enjoying each other’s company. I started to play footsie, my Pikachu slipper’s rubbing against the underside of her bare foot. She tried to conceal a smile, looking down at her plate. I took that as a challenge. I slowly began to travel father up her leg. We both ate, pretending nothing was happening. As soon as I ate my last piece of pancake, I stopped and walked to the sink to put away the dish. I could hear her whimpering from the loss of connection.

She is so horny, I thought. Too bad she feels something is wrong. I knew what she thought. It had been drilled in her that this, us, was wrong. As long as she kept that out of her mind, we were fine. But as soon as that little thought crept up, she stopped. I love her too much to care. I also was a little sacred though I would never admit it. Neither of us had really done anything with any other partner, and she was really shy about her body. I want her to feel comfortable and to enjoy it. So I’ll wait. So far the farthest we had gotten is second base below the t-shirt. But I knew the second she was ready, she would probably be more passionate then me, judging by her kissing.

She walked over and offered to do the dishes. I took her plate from her and gave it a quick rinse before sticking it in the dishwasher. I wrapped my arms around her neck, standing on my tippy toes so we were the same height. I gave her an Eskimo kiss and quietly reminded her “We got to go to Kelly’s in, oh, a half hour. Let’s get ready.”

She moaned and asked ”Can’t we be a little late.” I remembered that I promised Hannah I would tell her about Mr. Rolley. And knowing Hannah everyone knew now. Thank God I love her and her big mouth. ”No, Hannah is probably expecting us, and she wants to know about what Mr. Rolley said.” I had told Frankie yesterday, coming home from school.

“Okay” was all she said and she walked into her room to get dressed. I went into the guest room and picked out some of the cloths I left there. She walked out ten minutes later and I was already changed, sitting on the couch. She gave me a quick peck and we walked out, going towards her car.

We drove to Kelly’s house and Mrs. Donavan opened the door. “Kelly and the rest of the guys are in the basement.” She said with a smile. “Have fun, girls.”

We gave her a small hug and she said “Tell him to come up when you guys are hungry, I’ll make sandwiches.” I love his mom so much “Okay” I said and I slid down the pole into his basement, where everyone already was, excluding Frankie who walked down with me.
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The truth comes out. Eva's scared too. Kelly is probaly my fave character . Props to the person who guesses where I got his name. Comments Please!