Got Pride

Straight but not narrow

Kelly attacked me with a hug the second I got downstairs. “How are my favorite lesbians in the whole world?” I laughed, he was never subtle, and Frankie came back with a quick answer.” I don’t know; we aren’t lesbians.” He pouted; hating to be proven wrong “You like girls, which makes you lesbian” I sat down knowing this could take a while. “No, that proves we’re bi.”

“Whatever” he replied knowing she wouldn’t admit it. She clings to the thought that she isn’t totally “out there” when I know she has never liked guys in a sexual way, unlike me. I wasn’t about to tell everyone though, that was a secret she told me.

She sat on my lap, and I looked around the room. He used the basement as his bedroom/hangout place which is why we come over here. He has the most room of all. Well, also his mom doesn’t care about me and Frankie being a couple.

I asked”Did you do something to your hair?” He got excited, happy that someone noticed. “New dye!” His hair is brown with bright pink edges. But today the pink seemed especially bright and florescent. He was the cutest gay boy in the city. Unfortunately he has constantly harassed. He used a lot on cover up to hide the bruises the homophobic asses gave him. He was out, about and fabulous. The fact he liked being called Kelly instead of Kennedy, which was his real name, didn’t really help.

Hannah then fired about ten questions at me. “What happened?” was the only one I could make out. “I think he’s gay! He said he supported us and our decision.” Ryan looked over and stated”Just because he approves of this doesn’t make him gay, we all accept you and besides Kelly and Joe we are all straight.”

Joe sputtered. He didn’t like being labeled. He called himself bi curious, but he loved guys just as much as Kelly.

I shushed Joe, who was revving up for a fight and said ”He said it wasn’t easy for him to come out when he was young or some other shit like that.” Ryan slumped back down. He was the only straight boy in our group, and he hated thinking that we felt he was like all the other kids who threw their word shit at us. Ryan was one of my best friends when I was little. I could read him like a book.

We settled down and started to play some video game that involved cars and racing. Kelly didn’t even own it, it was Joe’s. I asked Kelly if he was going to Prom.

I knew Joe was going with this girl from my gym class who was really nice and I tried to stay out of Ryan’s love life. Kelly’s eyes got an overcast of sorrow. I knew he really wanted to go but he didn’t have anyone to go with. No boy wanted to date a moving target.

I tried to cheer him up asking if he would do my makeup. He seemed to perk up after that.

Hannah mentioned she had been asked by this guy, but she turned him down. He wasn’t her type and he probably wouldn’t want to go when he figured out that Frankie and I would be there, in the limo and at the table.

Nickie was going with her boyfriend who was quite sweet and at first was shocked by Kelly but got used to him.

We got hungry a couple of hours later and Kelly went upstairs to get some food. Today was a good day. I was sleeping over Frankie’s again so about ten we decided to go home. We gave hugs and kisses to everyone and drove home.
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Comments! Please I feel not loved. I have four cubscribers and 2 comments. Not to mention the fact they were before I had any subscribers. I'm not going to post until i get at least one more comment. Just kidding.
Do you guys like Kelly? He is based on a friend of mine.