Got Pride

What part of love do you not understand

I put the radio on the second we got in the car. Some band that I don’t know singing some song I couldn’t care less about came on.

”This channel used to be such a great station, now it sucks! Why do they keeping playing this shitty pop music?”

She looked over and raised an eyebrow.”I like this song!” I smiled; she always had a strange taste in music.

“You can turn it off if you want.” She said. I knew she wanted to listen to it so I left it on. After the song was over, she turned the radio off and started talking.

“So, when do you want to go shopping for prom wear?” Epp, this is something I don’t want to discuss at the moment.

”Shouldn’t you be concentrating on the road?” I said knowing she would be fine but not wanting to talk. I just want to get to her home and to have a little fun.

“No” But she wants to talk so I guess I can suck it up.

“Do you want me to wear a tux or a dress?” I asked. It seemed such a strange question. We were stopped at a red light and she turned slightly towards me.”I just want you to wear whatever you want.” She turned back to the road and continued to drive. “We can go next Saturday, kay.” I said. She smiled that smile she gets when she is really happy. God, I’ll do anything to make her smile.

We were driving up to the house when I saw her parents’ car in the driveway. Dammit, there goes my fun. We walked into the house, and she said ” mom dad, you guys home.” Her mom rushed into the front hallway where we were and gave her a big hug.

“Oh, Hunny we missed you so much. How was your weekend?” She saw and gave me a scowl. She has hated me since my mother let it slip I was Bi. She thought I was perverting her little sweetheart. Too bad her little sweetheart was the one who started this whole romance.

“Hi, Mrs. Jacobs. How are you doing?” She gave me a dirty look.

“Good. Isn’t it about time for you to leave?” I sighed; I can’t even stay the night. Thank God her parents are always out of town, her dad on business trips and her mom going to the nursing home to visit Frankie’s Grandma.

“Bye.” I started to walk out the door and Frankie asked me if I wanted a ride. “Sure”

We rode all the way to my house in silence. “Sorry” was all she said

“See you at school!” I didn’t hold it against her. I never could
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Comment Please! I think this will be my last update for a couple of hours. More tognight, tommorrow and at least one a day on weekdays