Got Pride


Homeroom is so boring. I was trying to work on my homework that I was supposed to have done last night when Frankie came in leaning over on my desk. Giving me a great view down her shirt. She can’t do that, it’s not fair.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked very innocently. When I somehow detached my eyes from her chest and looked at her face, I saw an evil smirk stretched across it. Shit, she knew what she was doing. She leaned closer. I gulped. My throat was a desert and one kiss would be the perfect oasis. Too bad we are in a class room filled with people.

She came right next to my ear and whispered “Get out of period one 10 minutes before the bell. I’ll be waiting in the 3rd floor bathroom.” She strutted her way out of my homeroom and back into hers. Her hips were swinging side to side like a pendulum. Shit, what brought that on.

Why did I do that? Oh shit, now she thinks I’m some kind of idiot. First I go in there basically shoving my breasts in her face and told her to meet me. I’m such an ass. I can’t help it.

Yesterday was horrid. My mom told me to stay away from Eva. Why can’t she accept she’s my friend? God I can’t imagine what would happen if I told her I love her. And like a stupid little kid I want what I can’t have. I saw here walking into school, her hair flowing behind her back and I snapped. I need her and I need her now.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a bell. 1st period. She probably isn’t going to show up. Oh God what if she breaks up with me? What if she thinks I’m a whore? I could never stand that. She is too perfect.

I trudged my way to Science. God, why am I such a dick-licking idiot? I have 50 minutes until she breaks up with me. She doesn’t want a whore for a girlfriend any more than I do. I would probably run away screaming if she did that.

I slumped my head onto the desk, giving a sickening thump sound. DAMMIT!

I wish I had more patience. Only 30 more minutes. I can handle that. Uh, she is sooo hot. I wonder what got her so hot under the collar. Usually I have to tip toe around the thought of doing anything. Hell the only time we do anything but kiss is when she is so enthralled by passion she can’t help herself. Sure, she is usually the one who starts everything, but never like this. She only does anything when we are alone.

I’m the one who wants to keep going. This is so great. Wait, what if she was kidding? What if she didn’t mean it? What if I get up there and she is all, “What’s up?” and just wanted to talk to me?

Mother Fucking Goose!!!! I should be there. There’s only 6 minutes left of the period. Oh, god…Why did I think so much?

“May I go to the lav? I don’t feel good” I said with a small stammer trying to get across the point I wasn’t feeling good. “Of course”

I practically ran up the stairs. Uh, what if she left?

She isn’t coming. Oh, God I scared her away. She is always so careful, worrying that I don’t want to go too far. And now I’ve scared the one person I love away.

I heard a stall open, and the small whisper ”Thank God your still here” She smiled and I got worried.

I started to say “I’m sorry” when she crashed her lips against mine.

“Please don’t say that.” She said a kiss on my neck between each word.

“Okay I’m not” I said laughing on the inside. Thank God I didn’t screw this up. I love her.

Her hands slowly ran down my sides. Her fingers were like a secret, softly said and
dangerous. I started to lift my shirt when..
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger. Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnn.
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