Got Pride

Let’s get this straight, I’m not

The bell rang. That stupid bell brought us back into the real world. Frankie stopped suddenly and gave me a “What the fuck are we doing look”. She gave me a last quick peck on the mouth. She did it again. She got me so worked up, I want to scream. URGGGGGG!

But then she said something she never said before. She whispered into my ear “Not enough time. I guess we are going to have to finish this later.” Oh god, there is no way I can go through a whole school day with that in mind. She picked up her backpack and walked out. I could hear the door slam shut when she left.

Wait, what just happened? I need an explanation and I need one soon. That made no sense. First she wants it, and then she doesn’t. And now I’m stuck here with sex on the brain. I thought we would have at least got to second base. Shit!!!!

I better get back to class and with that, I walked out of the lav and to my 2nd period class.

That was amazing. I was so scared that she would run away, frightened by my forwardness. But she seemed to like it.

The look in her eyes. When she first saw me, even I could tell she was scared. Frightened of what I don’t have the foggiest clue. It didn’t seem to be the situation. She really seemed to want that.

Her eyes quickly changed to lust though. Hard, boiling over the top lust. I could feel her pressing against me harder and harder. And when that stupid bell rung, looked at her and knew she didn’t want to stop. And that what made me leave. I know, I know, nothing is “bad” or “wrong” with us but I can’t get my mom’s words out of my head.

But the hurt I saw when I stopped was too much. She looked like someone had ripped her favorite blanket away from her. Beneath that I could still see her want, the want to be close and to love someone. Tonight. I’ll explain everything to her. Maybe I can even get some more kisses out of her. God, she is an amazing kisser. I think I do want to….God.

Lunch is in 10 minutes and I need nothing more than to get out of the classroom. This is insane. I need answers now. What happened? Was it a fluke? What does she mean by continue. She didn’t look like she wanted to continue that. What if she thought that’s what I want?

I looked up at the clock for the 20th time in 4 minutes. Oh god, one more minute. I can’t stand this, I’m going…

The bell rang jarring my thoughts for a second time today. Thank God, I need answers now.
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Short and probaly as filling as a jelly donut.
I see you guys liked the cliff hanger.
Comments =sex scene
I'm not kidding