Two Worlds

You're Lucky To Be Here

I awoke with a jolt and breathing heavily. That was the 5 straight time this week. The nightmares have been eating at me for years but recently they’ve gotten a whole lot worse and more consistent. Groaning loudly, I turned to look at my clock. 2:37 am. Fucking lovely. I rolled over on my back and tried to do some relaxing breathing and maybe set myself in a trance to fall asleep but I was interrupted by the loud snoring of Emery across the room. I picked up an extra pillow from beside me and chucked it at her with as much force my body could exert at this hour.


The only response was some weary grumbling and the sound of sheets rustling. I cannot wait until morning. I will be bunking with the guys. I honestly can’t stand the girls anymore. As much as I love them, mostly because I have to, they are the most obnoxiously annoying bunch of pricks I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. I hate the fact that they’re in this pack and I hate the fact that I can’t rip their necks out with my teeth and watch as they bled out onto the floor. In my opinion, they shouldn’t be werewolves. They should be witches. Not that I have anything against witches or wizards because there are many that I am on good terms with, but these girls don’t have the… guts to be with us. At least there’s someone we can afford to lose in battle.
I roll onto my stomach, bury my face in my pillow, and begin to drift back into a much needed sleep.

Something, or rather, someone was putting a large amount of pressure on my abdomen and causing me a lot of pain. Blinking my eyes open, I notice a very heavy Malcolm sitting on my quite happily. Malcolm had very fluffy snow white hair with black tips. Yes, that’s natural and also the color of his fur in wolf form. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue with gold streaking from the pupil. He could entrance a million girls with those eyes.

“Excuse me but I think you’re a bit too old and heavy to be doing this to me now.” I greeted him absently.

“Good morning to you too sunshine.”

“Malcolm. Can I bunk with you and the guys from now on?” I said wearily.

“Sure. I’ll take you away from Dog-face Dottie and Envious Emery.” I smirked at the names Malcolm and I gave the girls and was glad that I didn’t have to explain my reasoning to him. We’ve always had a close connection to each other in that way.

“Speak of the devils, where are they?” I looked around. Yes, I did say that stuff without knowledge of them being in the room or not. That is exactly how much I despise them.
Malcolm stood up and reached out his hand to assist me up out of bed. “They’re already up and at breakfast.” I grabbed his hand and walked with him downstairs. Nathalia was the first to greet me with a hot cup of tea. I forced a small smile and gladly took the cup sniffing the fresh herbs.

“Good morning, Kirana.” She grinned happily. Nathalia is the only one of the girls I can stand to be around, besides myself, of course. Nathalia is certainly not as cheery as she plays on the outside. She just wants everyone to get along as well as possible so our pack doesn’t fall apart, so she just grins and bares it. No one understands why she worries so much, we’re very structured and in line.

“Good morning, Nate.” I responded, taking a sip of the hot liquid.

“How did you sleep?” Nathalia moved back to making breakfast. I watched her perfect, golden curls bounce as she moved.

“Not well.” I sneered at Emery. Who looked like death had tried to do some major snogging with her. Her curly brown hair knotted and untamed while her hazel eyes sported dark bags. “Someone…” I emphasized “Kept me up most of the night with her obnoxious nasal sounds.” I set my hot mug down on the table.

Dottie snorted. “You’re no better. You and your bloody whining and whimpering. ‘Please, no… You don’t touch them!’” She mocked, her very plain gray eyes glaring confidently

I strode swiftly over to her across the kitchen and pinned her back against the wall. “I’ll be damned if you were to still be alive without mum and dad, let alone in this pack.” I snarled and pointed a stern finger in her face.

“Your parents, not mine.” She scoffed. I stormed angrily out of the room, dragging Malcolm with me out the back door.
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Ooh, short little beginning chapter to get ya all excited.
You got to meet Kirana, the girls, and Malcolm. You'll meet the rest of the guys in the next chapter, and learn more about Kirana.
You'll also meet the leaders of the pack and how it was formed.

By the way, do not forget Malcolm, he'll be a VERY big part of this story... As will the rest, unfortunately.