
Do whatever.

I could drive over to your house and I could spend as much time as I like there. We could cook something together, maybe those pink cupcakes that we never got to make. Or just dinner or something silly, and we'd mess up the kitchen and then we'd just give up 'cause we're lazy and hopeless. We could sit outside and drink, buy vodka or something from the kiosk and just drink with our feet up and nothing hovering over our heads. We could watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, finally, finally watch that movie together. Just lie on the couch, and maybe I could put my head on your shoulder. We could go to that cafe and order lemonades or some beer and lay back and soak up the sun, and we could smoke cigarettes.

We could go to that little quaint cute little crepe place, and just sit there and order them and make stupid jokes or at least you'll make stupid jokes and I'll pretend to laugh at them. Or maybe since things will be different, I hope, this time I'll tell you that I didn't find that joke funny. You'd get upset but whatever, there's so much stuff we can do.

So we'd eat our yummy crepes and it would be quiet and cute and lovely there. Or we could just buy Squeeze juices and walk around the shops and go in them and I'd try clothes on and you could tell me if I look lovely or not. We'd take our time. We could go sit somewhere to eat, or maybe go to a restaurant. We could buy drinks and go somewhere where there's grass like the park or just anywhere and get drunk and laugh and laugh and laugh. I could stay over till really late, stay and hang around at your place or just downtown and I could go home whenever I want 'cause I can just drive home. We could go to that homey place with the sofas and get a beer or get some tea and share it and we can just talk and talk and talk. And don't forget the laughing. We'll do loads of that. And drinking. And we have to watch that movie together. We have to.

You could get in my car (because I know yours won't be able to travel long distances) and drive to the beach. We could put whatever music we want on the highway, just blast it and sing along until our throats are raw. We'd play stupid games and talk about the people we don't like. We could lie on the sand and just hear the waves. We'd eat packets of chips and then have an argument about whether it's chips or crisps. We'd get in the sea, and not give a shit about who's watching us but just splash around and probably try to drown each other. We'd sit at the nearby restaurant and eat and you'd watch disgustedly as I eat octopus. We could come back to town whenever we want because I'll have a frickin' car.

We could do so much. We could do lovely things. We could.