Status: Updating when I can!

Would You Love Me, Would You Hold Me?

"I don't have that much time, buddy."

***Nick's POV***

"We've got each other to live for now." I whispered by here ear, hugging her tight. She seemed surprised by this display of affection, and to be honest, I was surprised I had the balls to do this. But, she surprised me even more when she wrapped her arms tightly around my middle, her head resting on my shoulder for a few seconds. As cliche and cheesy as it sounds, she fit perfectly in my arms.

We pulled away after another few seconds, and she smiled at me. Her eyes now held a different glint to them than usual; they looked...happy. Genuinely happy, for once.

"Night, Nick." She leaned in and pressed her lips to my cheek, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away and smiling slightly again, then walking out to go back to her room.

I walked back to my room, in a complete daze now. Though when I entered my room, and they closed and locked the door behind me, I found the biggest grin making it's way onto my face. I laughed to myself and flopped onto my bed, sighing happily. I'll admit it right now; I liked Joanna. A lot, already. I haven't even known her for very long, but something about her just makes me feel...happy. I like her, "Don't Give a Fuck" attitude, I like how she looks, how she dresses, how she acts...I like everything about her.

It's only wishful thinking when I say maybe she feels the same way about me, though.


***Joanna's POV, late that night***

I hadn't been able to sleep at all, and it was now 2:41 in the morning. I'm usually not the type of girl to get all giddy and shit over a guy hugging her, and then kissing his cheek, but...ah, fuck it; I feel like a little girl who just kissed a cute boy on the playground's cheek.

This wasn't right. I don't have these feelings. I haven't had these feelings in years. I'm supposed to not be attracted or like any guy like that. Not after all the dickheads I've been with.

Well, if you consider fucking them and leaving them the next morning, "being with", that is...

that's besides the point, though. I like Nick. Looks-wise, he's the type of guy I go for. Personality wise, though...definitely not. He's so shy and quiet and's cute, honestly. He's...cute.

Oh God, what is happening to me?! I never call guys cute!

...You know what? I really wanna see him right now. Like, right now. Right this second.

And you know what else? God-dammit, I'm gonna do just that.

I got out of bed and went over to the door. I jiggled the handle, but it was locked. Obviously. And also obviously, there wasn't a key-hole on the inside, since patients could find a way to unlock it and escape.

But I wanted to see Nick. Right now. So I needed a plan.

I sat back down on my bed, scratching my hair. I thought for a while, most of my plans not being any good. There was virtually no way I could get out of here, unless I kicked down the damn door. But I think that would make too much noise, and the staff would probably catch on to the fact I was trying to get out.

I grumbled to myself and fell back onto the bed. I pushed the button on the wall. I waited, and no one came. Ha, what fucking idiots. Whoever was on the night shift probably fell asleep. I could be dying for all they know, and there they are, sitting in a room, fast asleep.

I pushed the button again, and no one came. I just started pushing it repeatedly, mainly because I was bored now and wanted to annoy someone.

Surprisingly, someone actually did come. I jumped up when my door opened, not expecting it. "What do you need?" A young nurse asked, sounding tired and annoyed. She was new here; I saw her once, and that was tonight when Nick and I were in the lounge area.

"I know this sounds weird, but...I wanna go see someone." She blinked and stared at me. "He's down the hall."

"You want to visit a patient at 3 am?" She asked, sounding slightly amused. I nodded. "Would it happen to be that guy you were talking to tonight, and who you kissed on the cheek in the lounge?" She smirked, laughing slightly. Honestly, this bitch was annoying, and if I wasn't trying to sucker her into letting me do this, I would've ripped her head off by now.

"You saw?" I chuckled. She nodded. "I'm new here, and it was my turn to watch over everybody in the lounge."

"Is there any way you can sneak me in there?" I asked as nicely as I could. "I really want to see him. Just for a few minutes." I asked as nicely as I could.

"I'm sorry," She sighed. "I'd probably get fired if someone saw me doing that."

"Who's on the night shift right now?" I asked.

"Me and these 2 older ladies who're asleep." She snorted. "I was too, but I woke up from the beeping coming from your room."

"They're asleep, they won't know you're doing this." I said, getting up. "Please? It'll take like, 10 minutes." She bit her lip, contemplating it. "Please please please?" I laughed.

"What number room is he in?" She whispered, motioning for me to follow her. "112". I whispered back. We walked quietly down the hall, and she went through her ring of keys.

"You better hurry." She warned, unlocking his door. I nodded and walked into his room, the nurse closing the door behind me. Ha. Considerate.

I grinned at Nick, who was sound asleep. I tiptoed over and crouched down next to his bed. I pushed his hair out of his face lightly, making him stir a little.

"Wake up, sleepy." I whispered, rubbing my hand up and down his bare arm that was sticking out of the blankets. His eyes blinked open, and widened when he saw me. "Joanna?" I smiled softly, letting now only my fingertips run up his arm. "How the hell did you get in here?" He whispered, sitting up. I stood up and sat down next to him, pushing him back down onto the bed.

"No silly questions, I don't have much time in here." I growled. I moved so I was straddling his lap, and his eyes widened. "Joa-"

I cut him off with my lips on his. He froze in his spot, making me laugh. A few seconds later he finally realized what was happening and started kissing back. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, his own starting to fight with it. He moaned slightly when I started grinding my hips into his, and I laughed again when I felt him get "excited".

"I don't have that much time, buddy." I chuckled, kissing down his jaw and down to his neck.

"Then why'd you..." He paused to let out a breathy moan when I started nipping at the soft, sensitive flesh. I smiled when he let his hands run down my sides, to my hips. "...come in here to do this?"

"Because I wanted to." I lifted my head up from his neck and smiled devilishly. He laughed and leaned forward, capturing my lips in another kiss. I threaded my fingers through his hair, tugging it lightly to pull him closer to me.

"Why're we doing this?" He whispered against my lips. I opened my eyes and found him staring into them now.

"Because I wanted to kiss you." I replied simply, pressing my lips to his again. We pulled away, our lips making a slight "smack" noise when we did so.

"Why?" He smiled.

"What, you don't want me to?" I teased, pulling away from him.

"Get back here." He rushed, pulling my body right up against his. I laughed quietly, leaning down and pressing kisses to his neck again. "You didn't answer my question." He whispered, running his hands up and down my sides comfortingly.

"You don't need an answer to that question yet. Like I said before," I nipped at his neck again, making his breathing become slightly uneven. "no silly questions."

"Do you like me?" He whispered, making me tilt my head up to look at him.

"Well, I certainly don't think I'd be doing what I'm currently doing if I didn't like you." He laughed quietly. I heard a single, quiet knock at the door, and I figured that meant I needed to get back to my own room.

"I gotta go." He whined when I said this, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Stay." He whined again, also kissing me again. I chuckled and gently bit his bottom lip, tugging on it lightly with my teeth. He grinned against my mouth. "Can we be like this tomorrow in meetings?"

"We can if you want." I laughed. I heard another knock, and he whined again. "Goodnight, Nick." I pressed one last quick kiss to his lips, and he managed to get one more peck in after that when I was trying to get off of his lap.

"Night Joanna." He smiled cutely at me. I ruffled his hair and smiled back before quietly opening the door, the nurse grinning at me.

"Thank you for letting me do that." I said honestly, smiling.

"So are you two an item now?" She giggled as she locked the door back. I laughed quietly and said goodnight to her as I quickly went into my room. I got back into my bed, and couldn't stop grinning to myself.

I honestly liked that kid.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little BOW-CHICKA-WOW-WOWWW goin' on thurr! ;DDD bahahaha.

Thanks so much to Vengeance_foREVer, maxgreengirl, Kayla, Jacey, Ambi, and Nicholas Matthews (BAHAHA LOVE YOUR USERNAME XD) for commenting last chapter! Keep those comments a 'comin!! 8D