
Il Swallow Your Fear

You held my hand in yours under the table. Richard's eyes were like blood, a deep red that made me shiver. He looked around while the entire room stared at him as if expecting him to do a backflip. Suddenly he was falling but Lear caught him just in time and dragged him over to the large wooden chair beside Stratocaster who watched behind tired eyes.

"What is this?" Richard's voice was husky and seemed to be filled with cobwebs, wouldn't deny it.

"This, this is for you." Lear grinned, I almost forgot how evil this place is.


"Why?" Lear asked with mock shock. "You are the leader of us, the Caster Clan." Richard furrowed his brow.

"The what?"

"I'l fill you in later, now you must rest." they led Richard off then the festivities began. Food arrived on trays along with the blue pills and more glasses of blood but I couldn't eat. It wasn't just the fact that you and I filled ourselves with blood from that couple we killed, my stomach was churning with fear. What would happen? What does this mean for Jersey? What does it mean for the world?
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Hope you enjoy, comments are love!