
Nothing Else

The house is empty. I am alone on your computer. You have gone to your mother's ti check if she is alright along with Mikey. Bob and Ray have gone shopping and wouldn't be home until late. I sit alone with the two dogs who sleep at my feet. I watched them as Muffin sighed in her sleep and McFly's hind leg twitched. They were both dreaming. I smiled at them and decided to research McFly's name, meaning the band. I got onto your Limewire, naughty boy, and typed in the name in the audio section. The results were plentiful as I downloaded countless files to see why I named my puppy this. The blue bars were soon full signaling the completion on the downloads and I played them. I cringed at the repetitive beat and tune of all the songs I downloaded. I named my dog that because he ate a fly in the air... this certainly was not because I liked the music.

The door opened and closed. The stomping of boots was heard by two figures. I crept downstairs and peeked through the rails. I smiled when I saw your brother and yourself taking your coats off. I continued to ground level and greeted both.

"Hey Frankie, are you hungry?" you asked. Mikey still doesn't know about our relationship.

"Yeah actually. What about you guys?"

"I am." Mikey said as he struggled with his scarf as it tightened around his neck. I rolled my eyes and helped the poor boy. You laughed quietly. "Not funny Gee."

"I'm hungry too." I walked over to the fridge and pulled out two blood bags and a microwave dinner for Mikes.

"Ravioli fine?" I asked Mikey who nodded and got a glass of milk for himself. I popped the dinner in the microwave. Why do you even have one? We all sat down at the table. I punctured the bag with my sharp fangs and began to slowly drain the liquid out as you did the same. Mikey just stabbed his ravioli with his fork as if he wasn't very happy.

"Should we watch a movie after dinner?" Mikey shrugged.

"Sure! What do we have?" you smiled and shrugged. "What's up Mikes?" I suddenly asked. He shrugged and speared another ravioli.


"Mikey is upset because when we were out he saw Alicia Simmons with her new boyfriend." you sighed and took another long drink.

"How could she date Eric Lyon?" he began to wave his fork around. "I mean, what does he have that I don't?"

"Ripped abs?" you shrugged. Your brother shot you a deadly glare. I shook my head in disbelief at the immaturity.

"So how long have you liked this girl?" I asked. Mikey took a minute to respond.

"6 years." he looked down at his plastic dish and blushed. My jaw dropped.

"6 years?" I asked again to verify. "Seriously?"

"He is obsessed." you drained your bag and got up to throw it away.

"I am not! I see the look you gave LynZ for 2 years!" color rose in your cheeks.

"Who's LynZ?" I asked curiously.

"Some girl." you mumbled. "Let's go choose our movie shall we?" you quickly changed the subject.
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Sorry to anyone who liked McFly, the band not the dog ;)