The Emptiness

The Artist


What is wrong with her eyes?

A dry sob escape my lips, as I am staring at the cold dead body of my lover.
Her glossy eyes seemed to stare at me in a way that makes my heart stop beating.
Her gaze could make hell freeze over... Gulit fills my chest and my blood runs cold.
Her eyes shift the the left... No... I have to realize that shes gone. Though shes not, her lips
moves like shes mumbling something to me. Something doesn't seem right.

I run my fingers over her icy cheek, brushing hair out her face. I move my hand to close
her eyes... At this very moment I want nothing more than to turn away and leave this all
behind me. But I know if I do, then she'll truely be gone forever. I take her in my arms
and rush slowly to my basement. I shakely place her body on a old couch.

Panic starts to shoot through every part of my mind. Knowing that I'm the only one who
knows that shes gone, is probably what scares me the most. I walk up the stairs
memories plaguing me of my lost love. I punch the wall, taking relief in the fact that
blood was pouring down my knuckles. I couldn't stop the pain that was coming from
my thoughts of her.

I walk out the door and slam it loud, I needed fresh air. When I get about 5 blocks
away I realize, I forgot to lock to the door. I could almost hear the sirens. As if they were
coming to take me away. If I ran, I'd just would get it worse... but I can't go back, I
can't. I couldn't stop from looking behind me. My teeth were clamped together, my
heart hammering in my chest.

I run down into a cove by a lake, I look into the water. The eyes of a killer were staring
at me in a snircky way. I think I've seen him before. Hell, I've known I've seen him before.
The sirens just seem to get louder and louder. I think I'm just crazy, and my mind just
made up this whole tale. It feels like the whole world is crumbing beneath my feet. Will
the sky be the next to fall? Should I even try to stop this catastrophe?

I Won't.