Why my grandma is freaking crazy

I Can Make It To The Bathroom On My Own, Thanks

I stared down at my phone. I guess I thought my mom was gonna call me and yell at me. But what I was hoping for was for my friend Bryan to call me back. He had asked me to call him New years Eve, and I actually did, but he didn't answer. I was totally in like with Bryan. He didn't judge me, didn't think I was ugly or fat or anything. He was bascially one of the first guys to treat me like an actualy human being. I stared at my phone for a bit longer until the waitress came. She looked really happy. Ewwww was my immeditate reaction, but only because I was in such a shitty mood. "What can I get for ya'll today?" she asked in a preppy voice. What the fuck? Did I drive to Alabama by aciddent or some shit like that? She looked at me. Why do the damned waitresses always look at me first? "Pib," I answered, trying to make as little contact as possible. Everone else took their orders and started looking at the menus. I wasnt hungry. "Honey, you need to eat something," my grandma whined. "I'm not hungry," I snapped. Right now I just wanted that crazy old bat to leave me alone. After saying that i wasn't hungry for about ten minutes, my grandma actually GOT UP out of her seat and walked all the way acroos the table and picked up my menu. Crazy batch of cookies. She started flipping through the menu. "Do you like sanwiches, honey? How about soup?" she asked. I hate both. "I hate soup and sandwiches suck money balls," I snapped. I thoguht that if I was mean enough, she'd leave me the hell alone. I've never been right a damnned day in my life, damn it all. Becca finally came to my rescue. "Caitlin, why dont you just get the chicken fingers? Thats what Im getting," she put in. "Sure. Chicken." I said. Damn crazy family. "Okay, honey," said my grandma, patting my shoulder before walking back to her seat. So I got the dammned chicken fingers and ate them. I had, like, five Pibs (cos Pib is amazing) and eventually i had to piss really bad. Except I didn't know where the bathroom was. I was pretty sure it was by the entrance, but i wasn't sure. "i have to piss," I announced. "Caitlin! Watch your language!" Joanne exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Beileve me, I've said a lot worse," I assured her. "Wheres the bathroom?" I asked anyone who was listening. Everyone shrugged. "Do you want me to come with you?" grandma asked. Are you fucking kidding me?! "No, I can make it to the bathroom on my own, thanks," I answered, picking up my purse and walking off. I decided at that moment that my grandma was fucking crazy.