Waking Up with Headaches

Sleeping with Sneakers

(Jack's P.O.V.)

Some way or another, I got food poisoning. Or something like that. I get to leave tonight when my parents get here.

I'm not going home. I'm going to ask my dad to drop me off at Alex's.

(Lily's P.O.V)

"Hey Kara?" I asked into my phone hoping I called the right number.

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Lily"

"LILY! Tell me what happened please! No, no please! Tell me now!"

"Whoa. Calm down."

"Will you please tell me?" Jack said he wanted to tell the guys. Kara is a girl. Hopefully. If not I'm about to fuck up.

"You can't tell anyone not even Rian."

"Okay fine, I don't tell him a lot of shit anyway. NOW TELL!" I giggled a lot at that idea.

"Long story or short?" I asked laying back on my bed.

"Short than long! I like to hear the point first."

I choked up some courage to tell her. "I kissed Jack,"

"OH MY GOD! WAIT! What type of kiss? When? Where? Are you like a couple now?"

"Just a kind of tenderly kiss. This morning at his house. And no, I don't think so but, at kiss kind of ended with us making out."

"Please go out. Jack isn't a relationship guy and I, well everyone thinks you would be perfect together. I don't think he's ever been in a relationship, I've only hear about him hooking up with girls."

"He told me dated Julia."

"NO! I'm her best friend, she'd tell that. Plus she told me she hated Jack and thought he was a tool. She only puts up with him because, she know how much I love Rian."

What? Why would Jack lie about something like that.

"You sure?" I asked

"Yea, they never dated."

I got Kara's address and hung up. After about an hour of her asking me questions.

I took a quick shower and slipped on my pjs. I got a text from Jack saying "Hey it's Jack. Kara gave me your number. I need to tell you something tomorrow it's about Alex."

I quickly texted back asking what was worse.

I heard my phone go off but, I passed out in my bed.

(Jack's P.O.V.)

Alex lived by Rian's house. We dropped him off before. I knock on the door hardly with fear.

It looked like no one was home. No cars in the driveway. No lights on. Just a glow of a light from a window.

"ALEX OPEN UP!" I started at the door knob. It was open. I saw the glow of the light was from up stairs. I walked up quietly. Hoping no one was having sex or something creepy. I walked down the hall and saw a crack door with a sink picking out. The bathroom.

He was in the bathroom! He's neither cutting or naked! I really hope it's not naked. I pushed the door open slowly. Thankful he was not naked.

Like it was straight out of a horror movie, he was sitting in the corner like a zombie. Looking at his hands with his head covered. I didn't even need to look to know I was to late to stop him.

"Alex, what are you doing." I seat on my knee in front of him. I could see his face. He stared at his hands in his lap with tears coming down his face. "Alex?"

He looked up at me and gave me a evil smile as he started to cry. I think it was like a crazy madly depressed cry. "I miss him Jack" tears started pouring out his eyes. He held out his hands to me. They were still bleeding with the letter T and G cut out.

"Who is T.G. Alex? You can tell me, I won't tell anyone I promise." He cupped his face in his hands hide his tears. I looked around and gaped a small towel to hand him. He took it and started wiping the blood off his waist.

He had some on his face but, I wasn't going to tell him yet. "He was my brother Jack. He left. He was my only brother. And he killed himself last year and I found him in our room."

That must be why he switched schools. "I'm so sorry Alex." I pulled him in and hugged him.

He started to cry harder. His fingers dug into my hoodie and back. I didn't want to make him stop crying.

"Jack, can you do you a flavor?" Alex said pulling himself off my shoulder.

"Sure what?"

"Hold on to my razors. I want to stop but, I don't want to throw them away."

"Sure, of course. Can I tell you something?" He nodded "You have blood all over your face. You remind me of the girl from The Ring."

He laughed and washed his face off by the sink. I pulled myself up and took the razor from the counter top. It was still bloody. I raised it off under the water and held it to Alex's face. "This! This razor will not make you happy. It will only hurt you more!"

"You don't understand Jack! I didn't get to choice the pain I got from him leaving. When I, you know, I have control over the pain. It remains me of when I lost him but, it doesn't hurt me as much."

I tossed the razor in my pocket before Alex could have a chance to take it back. "Where are your parents?" I asked

"Church. They have been going more since he died." Alex looked down and covered up his arms to his finger tips with his hoodie.

"You can't hide this forever."

"Don't remind me." He pushed by me and walked out of the room. I followed behind him and into his room. His room was pretty much a box. Boxs and boxs covered the room.

"Jack?" Alex snapped me back into focus, "You're not going to tell anyone right?"

"Of course not!"

"How do I know?"

Lily. "Because, I'll tell you something no one else knows about me. Not even Rian or Zack. And they aren't going to know."


"I don't do well in relationships and that's why people think I'm a tool. But I think I'm in love. I just don't know how to say."

"Lily?" I nodded.

"Sorry dude but, I think everyone already thinks you're a couple."


I walked home after I made sure Alex couldn't hurt himself anymore. The air was cool and sharp on my skin. I was feeling better but, till need to puke. I didn't want to puke in someone's yard so I tryed to hold it in. I puked. I just don't know who's yard. Oh well.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Too late. 10:43. I would be asleep. Kind of shocked Alex's parents are out so late. When I got home everyone was asleep. I peaked into May's room. She was passed out in her bed with a Minnie Mouse doll.

Fucking Matt. Inivite him to a kid party and I think he rapes kids with his weird Micky Mouse dolls. I should kill him for that.

Nuh, I should just kill him. That's a joke of course. Matt is one of my best friends and my oldest I've known him since we were little tots in the sandbox. I could ever hurt him.

I tossed myself on the bed and passed out! I didn't even get out of my clothes. Skinny jeans, t-shirt, and, even sneakers. I just want to sleep.

I went to school the next day. Don't know why, I just wanted to see Lily. Alex was there hiding his scars. He was going to go to Rian's to help the band so I could "recover".

Lily was coming over my house after school. That means I can tell her the truth and get slapped or a girlfriend or one or the other.
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Hi there sweetie readie, I am so tried and I know I suck but, I got no life so you get another chapter! Try to wait longer so I can cook you up something good c: