Status: you have no idea how much fun i'm having with writing this. :)

The Traveling Man

I Made a Mistake That Had Unexpected Consequences... Again.

Alone again.


Everyone is gone.

No, they're really gone.

What now?

There was that thought process that repeats endlessly in my brain every time the truth sets in. I will always be alone. I have so many friends and while they are with me it seems like they will stay forever. But how can they? No, I will simply be alone.

Perhaps it is for the best.

I knew that I needed to get out. If I didn't do something, I would simply go insane--and it wasn't pretty the last time that happened. Inevitably, I flipped the controls and set the coordinates for London, Earth, and the early 21st century. I'd just go find a park bench somewhere and sit. Watch the world pass by. Stay out of trouble.

Lost. In my reverie, I forgot to twist the red squiggle switch to on. This resulted in my accidentally materializing on top of someone. Or around them, I suppose.

It was a girl of average height for someone of her age, which appeared to be around fourteen. She had very long and almost blackish hair that was pulled into a pair of loose braids along her shoulders. She had uncommonly large green eyes. She was wearing a very large, very baggy sweater of a delicious purple color, and a pair of jeans. Navy blue converse.

I blinked.

"Hello there!" I said, "Sorry about... Well... This. I suppose I missed a squiggle switch somewhere and, well... Sorry."

The girl was breathing a bit too heavily. She opened her mouth as if to scream, but no sound came out. Then, she fainted.

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Woot!!! Chapter 3!!! Please comment! I am extremely open to suggestions :)