Status: you have no idea how much fun i'm having with writing this. :)

The Traveling Man

New Coats Send You Swimming with the Loch Ness Monster.

He panted a bit once he finished working on the console.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Fine. My body isn't quite used to this yet. It's really supposed to be flown by six people who actually passed the test, not just me," he replied with a smile.

"Do you want me to help?"

"You don't know how."

He was silent for a moment.

"Maybe," he said, "but now, we're leaving."

He yanked open the front doors and we were immediately accosted with a burst of cold air.

"However, we should first find some more appropriate clothing." He continued to pull me up to a doorway that looked like it should lead to a small broom closet, but instead I found myself entering the largest walk-in closet I'd ever seen. I swear, it could have clothed the entire US army--from socks to hats--with outfits to spare. The Doctor lead me through rows of victorian dresses and futuristic jumpsuits. Behind a rack of feathered hats was a range of coats. I quickly selected a simple, long, brown leather coat that brushed my ankles. The Doctor stared at it for a long moment, gave a little "hmph" and then went on to pull out a navy blue marching band coat--complete with gold tassels on the shoulders and everything.

"Interesting choice." I remarked.

"Just trying it out. I need something new, and this looks fun."

"Fun indeed."

"Oh, shut up."

"Well, it's certainly making a statement."

"Oh? What's it saying?"

"I don't know. Drama Geek. That's it."

"I can live with that."

"Can you? watch out which swimming pool you're jumping into, Doctor-- 'Drama Geek' is pretty shark-infested."

"Bugger it. If we're using the 'dangerous waters' metaphor. I've been swimming with things much more dangerous than sharks."

"What, the Loch Ness Monster?"

"No! How can you say that? She is an extremely pleasant old lady. It's not her fault everyone thinks she wants to kill them."

"Whose fault is it, then?"

"...Mine. I took a guy to Antonio 7 and he didn't want to leave. So--jokingly, I swear--I went back and told his family that the Loch Ness Monster had gotten him. Of course, this was before the myths about her had ever started--she wasn't even on Earth at that point--but everyone took me way too seriously."

"Well that was stupid of you." I teased.

"Oh, shut up. Planet, remember? Coats aside, I want to go see it!"






"OKAY! We're leaving now."


"Oh, you just shut up. Leaving. Now."

He spun on the spot and headed for the front doors. It was really a funny conversation, I swear.
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w00t! (<--did i really just do that?? :]) BY THE WAY SO Y'ALLS KNOW: this is the product of boredom in Math and Chemistry..... to entertain myself and keep me from sleeping and indulge my obsessive whims. That's why the chapters are short and far between :] BUT I LOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS THEY MAKE ME FEEL ALL HAPPY AND SPECIAL AND POPULAR ;D