In the Back of My Mind


“Okay, way to make me sound like a creeper.”

”Hey, I’m just repeating what you told me. You said that you looked up her name on the internet, found her, paid four-fifty for her information, which included a criminal record and recent jobs.”

He sighed into the receiver of the phone. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Come on Brian, you know that your plan sounds like something a stalker would come up with,” His best friend Zacky tried.

“I don’t care,” He muttered. “I need to see her again.”

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe she didn’t want to see you?”

Brian stood there in the middle of his living room floor, puzzled by what his best friend has just told him. What if she didn’t want to see him? But if she didn’t why the hell would she be writing poems about him?

“Look, I know you still have feelings for this girl and that Claire probably made those feelings even more clearer, but why don’t you give it a rest for tonight. Come out to Johnny’s and have a beer or two with us.”

“I can’t,” Brian responded sharply. “I just can’t.”

“I want you to meet my girl,” Zacky practically whined into the receiver. “And she’s bringing a friend…

Sighing, Brian gave in to Zacky. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes, okay?”

“I won’t start drinking till your there!”

Brian laughed. “Yeah, we both know that won’t happen.”

“Alright,” Zacky confessed. “But I can damn well try!”

Brian shook his head and laughed again, looking down at his bare feet. “Alright man, I’ll see you in a bit.” And with that, he hung up his cell phone, sliding it back into his pocket oh his jeans. He placed his hands on top of his head, toying with his dark, jet black locks of hair before slowlying dragging his palms down his face, sighing out deeply.

He really hoped that whatever girl Zacky was dating now at least had a cute friend that he could talk to. Maybe, just maybe, he would be able to get his mind off of Brooklyn for a while.

Mumbling a few curse words, Brian headed up the steps to his second floor and into his bedroom to change out of his grubby looking t-shirt and royal blue basketball shorts. He stepped over to his king size bed where his white minature poodle, Pinkly, softly snored and twitched whenever she had a bad dream. He ruffled her fur and went on with getting dressed, changing into a pair of dark washed jeans and a charcoal grey button up shirt, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows. He decided to forgo the fedora tonight and just play it down, adding a bit of gel to his hair to give it that stand-up appearance that most of the women loved.

Maybe if he dressed up for Zacky’s girlfriend’s friend, she would make him forget that Brooklyn had ever existed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for my absence. Life got the best of me once more.
But my creative writing class has started stories and I have the strongest urge to write once more.
