In the Back of My Mind


“So, when’s this girl supposed to come?” Brian asked impatiently, taking another swig of his beer from the bottle.

”She’s on her way,” Olivia answered. “She just texted me saying that she left a few minutes ago.”

“Brian’s just anxious to lay his eyes on a fresh piece of a meat,” Zacky explained. “He hasn’t been the same since he ran into an … old flame … of his,” He said, raising his brow to emphasize the old flame part.

“Oh, I know how that goes,” Olivia sighed. “Those never end well.”

“You could say that again,” Brian said in a low growl, taking another drink of his beer. He placed his bottle back down on the bar top. “She wasn’t like any other girl.”

“What was her name?” Olivia asked curiously, leaning away from Zacky’s embrace to listen in on Brian’s story.

He hesitated a minute before finally answering, “Brooklyn … Brooklyn Elizabeth Taylor.”

“Aka, the one who stole Mr. Gates’s heart,” Zacky chimed in. “He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her since he saw her the other day.”

Olivia nodded. “You’ll see her again some day.”

“God, I wish,” Brian replied sarcastically. “That girl is harder to find than a needle in a haystack!”

Olivia chuckled, “She’s that special, huh?”

Brian stared down at his now half empty beer bottle in his hands. “I just want to see her one more time and apologize for what an ass I was to her.”

“You’ll get your chance one day,” Olivia said, placing a comforting hand on Brian’s back and rubbing small, soothing circles on his shoulder.

“Hey,” An unfamiliar female voice said, joing the trio at the bar. “I had to finish up something real quick, sorry it took me so long.”

“Not a problem,” Olivia smiled. “This is Zacky,” She introduced.

“Ah, so this is the guy you’ve been telling me all about, huh Liv?”

She blushed. “Yep, this is my man,” She giggled, as Zacky wrapped his arm around her waist, giving her a gentle squeeze.

“Nice to finally meet you Zacky.”

”Nice to finally meet you too….”

“Brooklyn,” She finished for him. “But you can call me Brooke.”

Brian’s ears perked up as he slowly spun around on his bar stool, almost knocking himself over when he saw the woman who stood before him.

Her golden blonde hair had been curled into loose curls and tossed lightly over her shoulders, bouncing with every step she took. Her turquoise blue eyes were surrounded by a copper colored shimmer eye shadow and accentuated with a black mascara that made her eye color pop out even more.

She wore a very dark purple dress that revealed a bare shoulder on her left side while a full sleeve of the dark fabric covered the other. The material clung to her curves, making his breath hitch in his throat as he ogled her with his eyes.

Zacky shook his head, ignoring his friend’s behavior. “And this man that’s trying to feel you up with his mind is Brian.”

“I know,” Brooklyn nodded, smiling softly. “We’ve met each other before.”

Brian cocked his head to the side, trying to remember where he had met this girl before.

And that’s when the lightbulb went off.

“Brooklyn…?” He croaked out.

Olivia’s friend couldn’t get his mind off the girl that he loved,
if her friend was the girl he loved.
♠ ♠ ♠
On a roll tonight. Expect a few updates. :D
