Status: On hiatus

She Heads to the Dresser Drawer to Drive Her Pain Away


"Hello girls," the doctor said happily.

"Hi?" both girls said in unison.

"Well, we have the results of your surgery, Ashland. Everything went as planned. You may leave tomorrow morning."

Rylie squeaked, getting weird looks from both the doctor, and Ashland. She covered her mouth, but a muffled giggle escaped.

"That's good," Ashland said and smiled sleepily.

"You seem tired. Rest some more, and a nurse will check on you later," the doctor said and waved, then walked out to the nurse's station.

"That's awesome, Ash. I'm so glad you're okay," Rylie said excitedly.

"Me too," Ashland said and closed her eyes.She drifted to sleep quickly, leaving Rylie to watch T.V. and munch on her Chex Mix.

***Time Lapse-Next Morning***

"Wakey wakey..." Rylie whispered into Ashland ear as she snored, causing Rylie to jump back into a chair.

"Nooo...A few more minutes,please!" Ashland begged, but Rylie came back and pinched Ashland's arm, "I'm up! I'm up! No more pinching!"

"Thought that would work," Rylie said and giggled evilily.

"You're truely evil, child," Ashland said in response to the demented giggle that came from Rylie.

The duo walked into the hall to checkout, but Ashland's name was called.

"Ashland!?" a voice called from down the hall.

"Huh?" Ashland said as Jenna came running up to her. Jenna was her friend from school,who had tried to stop her from leaving that day. She ran up to Ashland and pulled into a tight hug, almost squeezing the breath out of her.

"Hi?" Ashland said,quite confused.

"Where have you been?!" Jenna asked anxiously.

"I've been here,and with Rylie. Duh," Ashland stated simply.

"You never called me or anything! I was worried about you!" Jenna looked upset with Ashland, and gave Rylie a look as if to suggest she wasn't human.

"Watch it buddy. Rylie's the only one I trust around here. She's the last good thing about this part of town," Ashland said and shoved past Jenna and walked to the elevator, with Rylie following close behind.

"That was nice of you, Ash," Rylie said in the elevator.

"Hey,you're the only thing I've got left. You deserve to be appreciated. And Jenna's a plastic bitch anyways," Ashland laughed and decided to press random buttons to trouble the people who got in the elevator next. She giggled and Rylie shook her head.

"You're gonna cause someone to like, deilever a child in an elevator."

"Your point? That'd be so cool to be born in an elevator," Ashland said and smiled.

"Only you would think that..." Rylie said and giggled.

"Yes. Only me. Because I'm special, right?"

"Right," Rylie said and hugged Ashland, "I was so worried about you Ash..."

Ashland hugged Rylie back and sighed, "I don't want you to worry about me, Rylie. You've got too much other stuff going on. Like when you go back to school, aren't you in that art club or whatever?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter," Rylie said and looked around the elevator, anywhere but Ashland's eyes.

"Yeah,it does Rylie. You need to live life,okay?"

"My life,is you,Ash."

"That's sweet,but you shouldn't make someone your life. You could lose them in the future," Ashland said and hugged Rylie again. The elevator dinged and they got off. They had extra time in the elevator because Ashland just had to press all the buttons. They stepped off the elevator and into the parking garage. Rylie walked a little bit ahead of Ashland,and this left Ashland confused. Was Rylie hurt by something she said?

"Rylie!" Ashland yelled,running to catch up to her.

"What?" Rylie said and it sounded like she was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing,nothing at all," Rylie was lying, and anyone could realize that.

"You're lying to me, tell me."

"You put the thought of me losing you into my head, and now it won't go away," Rylie said,but it came out a little bit muffled because she was sobbing.

"I'm sorry Rylie, but it can happen. I don't want to ever lose you, but the possibility is always there," Ashland said and set her bags down to hug Rylie for the third time today.

"Ash,I can't lose you..."

"If you lose me, you'll make it just fine, are we clear?" Ashland said and tightened her grip on Rylie.


"You okay now?" Ashland asked and let go of Rylie and picked her stuff up off the parking garage floor.

"Yeah..I guess..." Rylie said and unlocked the car, and helped Ashland load her stuff,then drove home.
♠ ♠ ♠
My brother laughed at me for writing this story. He's mean. :P He called me a nerd,how evil. Anyways,here's an update.

Title Credit: "All These Things I Hate(Revolve Around Me)"-Bullet For My Valentine