Status: On hiatus

She Heads to the Dresser Drawer to Drive Her Pain Away


“Hey, you wanna watch a movie?” Ashland asked happily as Rylie set her bags in her room.

“How about we get you settled into your room?” Rylie suggested.

“Sounds fine to me,” Ashland said and smiled.

The duo walked to Ashland's second floor room. The walls were painted a dark red, almost crimson, like blood. The bed had a black comforter and sheets, and the pillows were red like the walls. Exact color match. There was one poster on the wall, that Ashland guessed Rylie put there because she knew Ashland would be staying here. It was a poster of Paramore, with Hayley making an angry face, and the rest of the band standing behind her with smiles on their faces.

“So...?” Rylie asked. She was self conscious about this room, being as she hoped Ashland would like it.

“I love it!” Ashland exclaimed and smiled.

“Thank God...” Rylie mumbled under her breath, feeling relieved that she wouldn't have to re-paint this room.

“So,what now?” Ashland asked excitedly.

“You can unpack and we can go out on the town?” Rylie suggested, smiling for the first time in a few hours.

“Gladly,” Ashland said and smiled as she set her bag down on her bed, and started pulling her clothes out and folding them, and hanging her shirts and jeans up in the closet. She would definitely need a new wardrobe. Luckily for Ashland, even though her parents neglected to pay attention to her, they gave her a fat bank account. She was sure they wouldn't mind, it was her money after all. After she had put all her clothes away, she got out her diary and slipped it under the pillow. She put her guitar in the corner. It stood out strongly, with it's bright blue color in this medieval room. Once she was finished, she put her bags under the bed and walked out of her room, and started down the stairs, only to have Rylie stop her.

“Unpack your bathroom stuff in the bathroom. Then you can come down here,” Rylie said and giggled. Ashland gave her a mock pout and walked back upstairs and unpacked all her “feminine necessities” into the bathroom. She walked back down the stairs to Rylie sitting on a stool,scribbling math problems onto a a piece of loose-leaf sheet of paper. Rylie smiled as Ashland entered the room.

“Ready to go?” Rylie said and shoved her paper into her folder, and set it onto the counter.

“Most definitely,” Ashland said and smiled as she looked towards the counter. She saw something silver...and crimson...
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Oooh! What did Ashland find? I'm gonna write another chapter tonight too :)