Status: On hiatus

She Heads to the Dresser Drawer to Drive Her Pain Away


“Rylie! You talked!” Ashland exclaimed in excitement and happiness. Aside from her excitement, she squealed. This drew the attention of the doctor, and he walked to Rylie's room to see what was going on.

“Is everything okay in here?” the doctor asked as he stood in the doorway with his head cocked to one side.

“Yes! She just talked to me!” Ashland exclaimed once again, but no squeal this time.

“I'll take a look here,” the doctor said and as he leaned down to look at Rylie, Rylie jumped up and scared the living shit out of the doctor.

“Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?” Rylie asked, fluttering her eyelashes and smiling innocently.

“No, not at all. You seem highly recovered, Ms.McKenney. I believe you can go home in a few days, after we monitor you a bit,” the doctor said and walked out, holding his hand to his heart.

“That was hilarious, Rylie. I do have a question though, why did you do it?” Ashland asked, her smile fading and a frown occupying it's place.

“I needed a way out. Things got too hard, I wanted to escape. That felt like the only way,” Rylie answered, fiddling with her thumbs and looking down at the off white tile floor.

Ashland sat there, pondering the thought of suicide herself, but she quickly brushed it out of her head and moved on to the reasons why Rylie would need to escape. The room suddenly felt cold, or maybe it was just Ashland hallucinating it.

“You alright, Ash?” Rylie asked after fifteen minutes of complete awkward silence.

“I guess,” Ashland mumbled, and looked down at her Converse.

“Don't lie to me, Ash. I know something is wrong, what is it?” Rylie asked. She wasn't going to let Ashland slide on this one.

“I'm just confused. I don't get what you were running from,” Ashland answered honestly.

“My parents, Ash. They called me and told me that I need to get my stupid ass back home because living on my own was not teaching me lessons. They're assholes, and I would never move back with them. Plus, they live in a whole different town, I'd never get to see you,” Rylie said and started crying slightly.

“Aw Rylie. Yeah, I met your dad. He came in to sign the papers to pull the plug. I didn't like him because he seemed like he was a bad guy. I tried to avoid him.”

“Ash, he IS a bad guy. He convinced my mom that I was on drugs and that's why I got kicked out.”

“He said they pay for your house,” Ashland said, visibly confused at the whole situation.

“I pay for it, with my own money,” Rylie answered and her face turned red with anger.

“He's taking credit for what YOU do?”

“Apparently, and I won't tolerate it.”

“I wouldn't either,” Ashland said and took a drink of Rylie's water, earning her daggers from Rylie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Never Too Late-Three Days Grace

Here's an update, Mibba deleted my other chapter, and this one's weak 'cause I kept getting distracted by shiny things.