Status: On hiatus

She Heads to the Dresser Drawer to Drive Her Pain Away


"Rylie..I can't..I can't go in there..." Ashland spoke quietly, and softly with a gentle tone,not meaning to offend Rylie anymore than she already had.

"Yes you can. I did it,and it all turned out just fine," Rylie replied in the same gentle voice, but it was shaky this time,as though she was about to cry.

" You're different than me. Stronger,to say the least. You're peppy,and happy,and upbeat. I'm depressed,and broken," Ashland stared at the pavement, and felt disgusted with her actions.

"Ashland, you can do this,it's not as hard as you think,it's easy if you have someone to care for you. And you do. That someone,is me," Rylie smiled, and sat down next to Ashland, on the cold, wet pavement.

"Honestly,why do you care about me?" Ashland had wondered this and had pondered the thought while Rylie spoke the last few minutes.

"It's just how I am. It's part of my personality. There's more to me than meets the eye," Rylie absolutely despised being judged, but forgave Ashland because she knew Ashland didn't mean any harm.

"Oh. Okay. Now...if we do,go to get treatment...where will I go?" Ashland was now convinced Rylie cared, and was willing to give life a chance.

"It's a rehab center on 5th street,only a short walk from here..."

"So we could walk?"

"Yeah. if you want to..."

"Alright. We'll walk then," Ashland said,and with an unusal amount of effort, got to her feet again, but stumbled from sitting so long,and losing so much blood.

"You sure you don't want to call a cab? You can barely move..."

"I'm sure. I need to walk around a bit and I'll be fine."

"Did you bring a jacket? It's about to rain..."

"Good. I love the rain..." Ashland said and gazed up at the dark night sky above her. The sky was filled with stars and a crescent moon. It was beautiful. She wished she'd taken more time to stop and gaze at these things before,knowing she'd taken them for granted,but knew she never would again.

The rain began to fall,a slow drizzle at first,but picked up to a down pour. Ashland opened her arms wide and took in the sight before her,the city lights were dim,and the stars were shining bright. She started to sing,a song by her favorite band,Paramore.

"You shine brighter than anyone does..."

"Ashland...we've got to go..."

"Sorry...I guess I went into my own world," Ashland was embarassed. A girl she barely knew just heard her sing,and saw her little out burst, but Rylie seemed to be used to it,like she'd done it before too.

Ashland and Rylie began to walk,and talked about music,and how it brought release to them when they were down. That topic was the main thing they talked about,and they found common ground on. When they arrived, Ashland realized,this would not be a very good night for her. As she turned a corner,her parents stood before her....
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