"Mom?" Carter tiptoed down the hall, she hadnt seen her mother at all the whole morning. "Mommy?" She wanted to show her mother the castle she had built out of blankets and pillows.

She opened the door and found her mother on the floor with pills in her hands, "Mommy?" She knelt down and shook her, "Mommy, wake up." She stood up and tapped her mother with her foot, "I want to show you something." Carter impatiently shook her again, "Mommy!"

She stomped out the room and out the front door, she walked across the street and knocked on the O'Callaghan's door.

"Oh hi there, Carter." Mr. O'Callaghan adored the little girl. Her fascination with everything impressed himself. What five year old girl could sit there and listen to you explain chess? But, confusion sprawled across his face as he noticed the girl alone.

"Mr. O'Callaghan, can you wake my mommy." She stood there and blinked her innocent eyes.

His eyebrows knitted together, "Wake? What do you mean?"

Carter tapped her toe impatiently, "She's on the floor, and I tried waking her. But she wont wake up."

Mr. O'Callaghan picked up Carter in his realization of the matter, "Carter let's go inside and play with John." He let the girl down in front of the television where John was watching, "I'll be right back."

Carter crossed her arms, "I want my mommy."

"I know, Carter. But, for right now. Just stay here." He frantically ran upstairs to grab his wife, "Marie, come over Carter's house with me. I think something happened to Mel."

Marie rose an eyebrow, "What?"

He huffed, "Just come on!" He grabbed his wife and ran out the front door.

Carter rushed to the window and watched her house. She watched as Mrs. O'Callaghan ran out the house crying, and she watched Mr. O'Callaghan hold her and dial a number on his phone. And then she watched ambulances and police surround her house. What was going on.

John walked over to the window, and surveyed the scene. He saw things like this on his mother's tv shows. "Do you know what happened?"

Carter looked over and shook her head, "No."

John looked out the window, "Your mommy's dead. She's in that white bag thing."
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, It'll get better....i promise.
but feedback?