Carter sat in the room holding the bottle that did not belong to her. She looked curiously at the quarter full bottle and sniffed it, she pulled her nose away and scrunched her face up. How could anyone enjoy drinking this? It smelled putrid and horrific. She temptingly pulled her lips to the rim of the opening and pulled away.

Droplets had fallen onto her lip, she licked her lips and set the bottle down. She shuddered at the taste. She shook her head, her mother would frown upon the dirty deeds she had done today. She didnt need another. She turned off her light and crawled into bed, she stared at the bottle as the moon light shone on it.

It was a sign. A sign to drink away her pain and sucide thoughts. A sign to drink away her problems. She heard the fail attempts of John trying to get the girl in his bed. She smirked at the poor excuse of a boy. He had grownb up exactly how she thought he would be. A low life pig.

She got up from bed and stared hard the bottle before she quickly took the bottle and drank it to the last drop. She stood up fast and felt all tingly. She felt better than she did when she experienced the weed. She felt good. She giggled as she bumped into the boxes of her things, "Opps. Sorry boxie." She tried picking it back up but fell. She laughed out loud and grabbed the empty bottle.

"You are my new best friend!" She laughed out loud again and heard the door slam, she looked out the window and saw the girl run away from the house. She giggled, "Oh no. His booty call ran away." She picked herself up from the window and made her way downstairs, "John?!" She called out.

John laid in his bed, running through all the tormenting things he'd say to the guys whenever Rae tried to hook up with them. He heard Carter yell his name, but he ignored it. She'd only laugh at him for Rae walking out. He turned over and put his head under the pillow. He was pissed, he hated girls like Rae. She pretended and then she dips out. Bitch.

He heard Carter walk down the stairs and then a loud thud. He picked his head and saw her lying on his floor giggling her head off. "John! You should try this, its amazing!"

He walked up to her and picked up the empty bottle, "You drank all of this?"

Carter sat up and widened her eyes, she suddenly felt upset, "Oh, no! Was it yours? I'm so sorry, I'll I'll I'll make it up to!"

This amused John, "Oh really? How's that?"

Carter stood up, using John to prop herself, "I'll give you what Rae didnt." She balanced herself and took off her shirt revealing herself in a sports bra and her shorts.

John put his hands up, "No, no." He shielded his eyes, Carter would probably sober up and murder him. "I cant." He tried thinking of an excuse to make her leave.

"Why not?" Her pouting face melted John's heart, she was so damn cute.

He closed his eyes and blurted out, "Your on your period."

Carter peeked into her shorts and shook her head, "No I'm not!" She fell over and giggled, "Ah ha ha. I fell!"

John nodde,d "Yeah, I can see that." His phone started blasting his ringtone, he looked to see who was calling, "Shit. Carter be quiet! Just shush okay?"

She put her finger up to her mouth, "Shh."

John flipped open his phone, "Yeah, hello?"

"Oh hey John. Look theres a big accident and theres no way we're going to make it home. We're going to crash at a motel and be back tomorrow morning. Do you think you could lock up and stuff?"

"Um, yeah. No problem/ See you tomorrow morning." He closed his phone and groaned. It was like it was meant for Carter and himself to have sex. "Carter, I cant."

She pouted again, "Fine." She reached for her shirt and put it back on, "Help me to my room, please." She giggled as John picked her up and carried her up the stairs, "Your strong!"

"No, you just weigh five pounds." He tucked her into bed and walked out the room, he slid down against the wall and sighed. Normally John would have taken his chances and would have had sex with her. Why was this time different, all he'd do was use her and toss her like the rest. But, she was different. She needed to be cared for, wether or not she had anger issues.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy New Years Eve.
I wont be able to update till Monday. :(
Hope this holds you till then.