Carter woke up feeling horrible, "Oh my god." She sat up slowly and grabbed her head, her head was throbbing, "What the hell?" She swung her legs over to the side and looked at her night stand, there were pills and a glass of water. She took them and noticed a note.

You shouldny drink. Period. -John

She felt angry, she stood up and walked into the hallway, she stopped short when she heard voices.

"I didnt know what else to do, she wanted to bang....and I just couldnt do it." John sounded different then his normal self. She crept closer to the entrance of the stairs.

"Well, you made a good choice. Dont bring more problems into her life." The familiar voice was Jared. She liked him, he was understanding.

Carter walked back into her room and sat there trying to remember her night. All she remembered was talking to a box. She held the note in her hand and pulled out a lighter, she lit the note on fire and threw it in the trash, she watched everything else catch on fire and admired it.

"Hey, do you know what the smell-OH shit!" Jared walked half way in before losing all self control, "Dude! Fire?! In the trashcan?!"

Carter tossed her water into the trashcan and listened to it hiss, she stared at Jared with a blank expession, "Its just fire." She walked past him.

Jared's heart was racing, "Yeah. Just fire she says." John was right, this girl was freaky and weird. But it didnt stop his curiosity to be her friend.

She reached in the cabient and pulled out a chewy bar, she bit into it and raised an eyebrow, "Where is everyone?"

"Theyre at a motel." John walked in grabbing an apple.

"Right. Bye." She walked upstairs and slammed the door shut.

John watched after and and looked at Jared, "I swear she's bipolar."

Carter opened the door and yelled out, "I FUCKING AM. GET OVER IT!" Then she slammed it hard.

John pointed towards the stairs, "See! I'm not the only jerk here."


Carter sat in John's car and crossed her arms, she did not want to start school. Let alone be in an enclosed area with him. She groaned as he got in.

John looked over and squinted, "You can walk."

She started opening the door, before John locked it, "What the hell. You tell me I can walk and you dont let me out. What shit is this."

John shrugged and backed out of the driveway, "Just shut up and let me drive."

Carter slumped in the passenger seat and plugged in her iPod. She turned up Ivory real loud and sat there watching the trees and wire lines pass by. She couldnt help but notice the intense staring John was giving her from time to time, she yanked out her ear plugs and screamed, "What!"

John swerved a bit and sighed, "What the hell was that!" He tightened his grip and calmly sighed again, "If your talking about me staring, I was um..listening to your iPod. It's Ivory isnt it?"

Carter put them back in her ear and pouted, "Yes, now stop.You fucking creeper."

John rolled his eyes and stared straight onto the road ahead of him. He was tired of having this girl in his life. Even if it had been only less than 24 hours, he still felt like she had been there for months.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry. I know I said Monday.
But Ap Euro History is killing me.
Sorry Its short. :/ feedback though?