I'm A Walking Disaster, They Told You To Stay Away


We enter through the main doors. I say my goodbye to the boys and walk into the front office. It seems very hectic. Women in ugly shoes walk around like chickens with their heads cut off. I walk towards a women with poofy, curly hair. She looks up at me and types something.

"Can I help you?" she asks finally looking up from the computer monitor.

"I'm new and my aunt told me to come here to pick up my schedule," I fake a smile.

"Name?" she seems to have better things to do than actually do her job.

"Lauren Meyer," I mumble.

"Of course! You're Joyce's niece!" She smiles at me. She starts to dig through some files. "Here is your schedule. Your teachers are going to want to see it when you get to class. So off you go! You don't want to be late!" I look at the paper for the first room number, G202.

"Uh, is this upstairs or downstairs?" I try not to blush.

"Two hundreds are upstairs and one hundreds are downstairs," she explains. I nod my head and head to my first class.

I felt numerous eyes on me. People are probably wondering who the hell I am. I try not to look like a new kid. I've never had to deal with this type of stress. I regret not talking to all the new kids before. It totally blows. Everyone here is a stranger. I recognize a few faces from the big party, but I know they don't remember me. I head towards the stairs. Kids flood the stairs. I weave in and out of bigger bodies. I feel like an ant compared to these elephants. I make it to the top. Thank God this school has signs about which class is where. I follow the sign that has G on it. It leads me to a computer class. I smile. Luckily, I won't look like an idiot coming in late. I walk up to the teacher.

"Hi, I'm new here," I say.

"Hey there! I'm Ms. Mayo!" she greets me with a friendly smile. "Can I see your schedule?" I nod and hand it to her. She looks at it and hands it back. "Have you ever taken a computer class?" I nod. "What programs are you familiar with?"

"iMovie, Blender, and Photoshop," I answer.

"Then you will fit right in! Here's your log in and you can take a seat where ever!" she smiles at me and I take a seat in the back of the classroom.

Ms. Mayo begins to talk about the new project. I half listen and think about where I should be. I should be in Texas. I should be in drill team. I should be with my best friend. I feel my eyes water. I can't cry. I have to think of something good. Let's see. Alex. Maybe something good will come of this. Maybe he will be a good boyfriend. I snap out of my daydream and take the rubric. Eh, this will be easy. Create a picture that describes me. Me and Photoshop are good friends. I go to work. I put my headphones in and ignore the rest of the class.

I can't draw worth shit, but I'm good with digital graphics. I love warping things. Its something I've always enjoyed. I hear a knock on the door and look to see Alex there. I don't think he notices at first. I don't want to yell anything out at him, just in case he doesn't want me to.

"Hey, Mayo!" Alex says walking in.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Ms. Mayo asks with a confused face.

"I told Mrs. Logan that I needed to come finish something!" Alex smiled.

"Then shouldn't you be doing work?" she laughs at him. I giggle.

"Me? Do work? Never." Alex laughs out. I smile at him. "Oh no!" Alex spots me. "I'm so sorry you have this trouble maker in your class!" Alex walks over and puts his arms around my neck.

"You know her right? If not, you have permission to hit him, Lauren!" Ms. Mayo chuckles.

"Yes! She's Jack's cousin! And my very bestfriend!" Alex's grip tightens a bit. I smile.

"Barakat? I would have never guessed. She's so behaved and he's so wild. Crazy!" Ms. Mayo throws her arms in the air and helps some boy.

"That's pretty good," Alex says looking at the computer screen.

"Thanks," I reply.

"The only thing missing is a picture of me! Here, pull up Photobooth!" I pull it up. "Okay, smile!" Alex pushes the little camera. He puts his cheek next to mine. We smile. I love this picture. "And now set it as your background!" Alex takes the mouse from my hand. I look at the screen and see the picture starring back at me. "PERFECT!"

"Alex, get your butt back to class!" Ms. Mayo yells.

"I'll meet you outside the door after class!" Alex kisses me on the cheek. My cheek tingles. I smile and get back to work.
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Yay or nay?
And I actually suck at Blender. Never, ever try it. It will leave you crying...

Comments? :)