I'm A Walking Disaster, They Told You To Stay Away


“It’s about time you kids get up!” Aunt Joyce said walking in the kitchen. “I was beginning to think you all weren’t going to wake up.” She smiled at me and patted me on the back. She walks away and gives Jack a look. He returns it with a smile and a nod.

I overheard her talking to Jack a few days ago. She told him to constantly check on me. She wants him to get me to open up. It’s like she’s waiting for me to crack, well everyone is. Jack told her that he wouldn’t let anything happen to me, and I honestly believe that. I know if something happened, the Barakat family would feel responsible, and I didn’t want them to experience that pain. They treat me like I’m part of their immediate family. I smile and think that just because my parents are gone doesn’t mean I don’t have a family anymore.

“Are you done?” I look up and see Alex starring at me.

“Uh, yeah,” I answer and he grabs my plate.

“You zone out a lot, don’t you?” he smiles at me.

“You’re just now noticing that?” answers Jack. “She gets lost in her mind sometimes! I feel like her brain is an endless pit.” I shake my head and smile.

“She sure is a lot quieter than she was last night!” Alex laughs and winks at me. My stomach churns.

“Her? No!” Jack wraps his arms around my neck. “You just have to spend a lot of time with her and then she’ll never stop talking!” Jack kisses the top of my head. “She’s the best cousin!” I smile at him.

“You’re my favorite cousin too,” I said smiling at him.

“And now I’m your best friend!” Alex says with a sexy smile pulling at his mouth.

“YOU WHORE!” Jack yells and retreats from the room. Alex smiles at me and follows Jack. I guess he’s jealous; probably just kidding around.

I stand up and make my way to my room. I think back a couple weeks ago. Tears fill up my eyes. It was my first football game. I was in my drill team outfit; my first game as Captain. I smile at the memory of those girls. The stands were packed. In Texas, you never miss a high school football game. Every Friday, you’re in the stands with your friends cheering for your school. Second quarter comes and the team heads down. We warm up, stretch, and go over the routine. Rookies come up and ask me last minute questions. We’re all like a family. We’re all so close; there’s no such thing as secrets on this team. I yell that it’s time to get in line to walk to the side line. The girls yell yes ma’am and do as I said. My whole body shivers; damn nerves. We take off and wait to go on.

The buzzer blows signaling half-time. We start walking on to the field. I walk out in front of the other girls; the four lieutenants behind me. The band starts playing and we start kicking. Half-time finished within and blink of an eye. I smile. My first game as a senior and it was a perfect performance. As we make our way to the side lines I see my parents smiling and yelling for me. I could tell they were proud and it warmed my heart to know that.

I snap out of my daydream and lay on my bed. I stare at the ceiling and think through how one day changed my whole life completely. My parent’s death forced me to give up everything. Is it okay to feel anger towards them? I gave up drill team, friends, and my senior year. I couldn’t believe how a week ago I had everything and now all I’m left with is a memory. If they hadn’t gone out that night, they wouldn’t have died. Even if they had left a little bit earlier, I would still have my perfect life. You’d think they’d be smart. Driving drunk never works out and whoever that drunk driver is that killed my parents will pay for it. I’ve seen him and I hope my face haunts him. That’s probably a bit harsh, but he took everything from me.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I jump a little bit and see Jack next to me. I didn’t realize I was crying and it must have been quite obvious. I nuzzle my head in his chest and cry. I don’t hold back the tears; I just let them fall. I’ve held back any type of emotion sense their death and it hasn’t been easy. It actually feels good to cry. I look at him and his eyes seem to be filled with tears. We sit up. He holds me close to him.

“I’m so sorry, Lauren,” he pulls me closer to him. “I’m here for you. I’ll never let you down, I promise.”

“You better not,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.

“I wouldn’t consider it,” he said letting a little slack between us. I look at him and he smiles. “I don’t like seeing you cry, but I’m glad you’ve shown some sort of emotion.” He smiles at me again. I smile back. “Do you want to come to band practice at Rian’s?” Jack asks.

“No thanks,” I answer. “I’m going to try and get this room put together.” He lets go.

“If you get bored, just ask my mom to take you over there!” Jack smiles and gives me one last squeeze and walks out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I made a promise to myself that I would post a chapter a day, but it was a hectic week.
My uncle died so I went to Lubbock for his funeral. So it probably explains why this chapter is a bit depressing. Sorry about that!
But I hope y'all like it. Tell me what you think!:)