Status: ShelbyXvenegance is bad at updating. :3 She will try though. <3

Summer Your Love


Honestly, Rian and I really didn't do anything. We talked in the back room. It was amazing. We talked for a while too. No sex though, and I'm glad. I'm still waiting. He said he had sex back in highschool once with his girlfriend Kara. When he didn't say ex girlfriend, it got me down. He said that they said that would be the only time before they are married though. I nodded and smiled lightly, trying to act like I wasn't jealous. Now, were sitting out in the living room/kitchen are with Jack, and Zach while we listened to Alex and Danei have sex. It seriously sounded like two wild animals. I told Jack that and he laughed his ass off and started making fun of them, making gorilla noises, and lion roars. We all started laughing really hard, and I just so happen to snort. My face turned beat red and the guys started laughing harder.

"Snorter! Everytime you snort, you owe me ten bucks," Rian said while laughing. I shook my head.

"No!" I said laughing still."I need my money, you nigger!" He gave me this weird look while we all still laughed.

"Oh yeah, because I'm so black." I nodded at Rian and smiled. We waited a few more minutes still laughing a little. Then, finally the two animals came out of their den. The guys whistled at them.

"Well, hey there sexy. You two have fun making lion cubs?" I asked Danei with a wink. She blushed brightly and stuck her tongue out at me. The two sat down with us and it seemed almost awkward. I yawned and looked at Danei.

"I'm tired," I said. She yawned too and nodded.

"Yeah, me too." Alex looked at her quickly and smiled.

"Stay here," He said. Danei smiled and nodded. Her and Alex go up to go to the bapck, and left all of us.

"Okay, so.. Where do I sleep?" I asked awkwardly. Jack raised his hand energetically and smiled.

"Ooh! Ooh! With me!" He said with a wink. I giggled, because I knew it was just as friends. I glanced at Rian and he looked sorta mad. I looked at Jack and smiled.

"How about I just sleep out here tonight?" I suggested. He frowned and fake cried.

"Fine! I see how it is! You don't love me anymore.." He said dramatically and stalked to the bunks. I chuckled and watched Zach get up too, then it was just Rian and I. I looked at him and smiled.

"Well, I guess I'll go ahead and head to sleep." I waved lightly and at him and got up from the floor. He followed me as I got up and looked at me.

"Erm, well, do you just want to sleep with me? I mean, I don't want to make anything awkward or anything, just, we don't have any extra blankets, and the couch can get un comfortable," He said. I smiled lightly. I knew they had extra blankets because they were in the back room, and the couch was extremely comfortable. I nodded and followed him to the bunks. The others seemed to be asleep, but I doubt it. I crawled into the bunk he showed me that was his, and he crawled in after me. He pulled the covers over both of us and we laid there in the dark. It was so peaceful and amazing. We had our backs turned to each other but that's okay. Because the next morning, I woke up with me wrapped up in those muscular arms. I smiled widely and giggled like a school girl. I don't think I've been this happy in a while. I wanted to get out though, because I was hungry, and it was hot. I tried my best not to wake him up, and luckily, he's a guy that sleeps hard. I was able to wiggle my way out, with a smile on my face. When I walked out of the bunk area, Danei was watching television while drinking a Dr. Pepper. I smiled lightly at her and she smirked.

"Someone has bad sex hair," She said. I glared at her and smoothed my hair down, then put it up in a messy bun.

"Oh shuddap lioness," I said smacking her in the arm. She gave me a confused look, like she didn't know what that was. Which she didn't, and it made it all the more funnier. i laughed and shook my head.

"Nothing, nothing." She shrugged and went back to her show. A few minutes later, the guys all came out almost at once. We all smiled lightly at them in their boxers. I guess Rian got up in the middle of the night and took his pants off. The funny thing is, since they were guys and it was morning, they all had hard-ons and me and Danei couldn't stop laughing. We literally fell off the couch laughing. They gave us confused looks, then looked down. they were all pretty embarrassed except Jack. Who yelled boner really loud and ran out the bus. Danei and I finally stopped laughing after about ten minutes while the guys went and out clothes on. When the guys came back, Matt came in.

"Hey, theres a black truck being towed, let's go watch. I've never seen a car actually get towed before," He said and looked at the guys. Danei looked at me with wide eyes and I flew past Matt out the door. Guess who's black truck it was. Mine. Out of all the trucks. i just has to be mine. I shot across the street and to the tow trucker.

"Hey! That's my truck!" I screamed. He stopped the lever and looked at me.

"Well, it's getting towed. Unless you just so happen to have 200 dollars on you at this very second," He said smirking. I glared at him.

"What the fuck man. I don't have that kind of cash on me right now!" I exclaimed. Alex, Rian, Jack, and Danei came jogging up. Alex looked at me and the tower guy.

"What's going on?"

"This ass fucker said I have to pay 200 dollars to get my freaking truck back! I don't have that money!" I yelled. The guy glared at me.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" He yelled. I flipped him off and huffed.

"That's my Amity. Finger to the world, not giving a fuck who she says what to," Danei said laughing. I nodded.

"Except my parents, the police, most adults, and people from churches," I said. Rian laughed.

"Hey, I can pay for it, and you two can pay us back," Alex said, grabbing his wallet. I frowned.

"But, we'll probably never see you guys again," Danei said. I nodded.

"You can pay us back with your bodies and go on tour with us," Jack suggested with a wink, then hesitated and said."Y'know. Being our merch girls." Danei and I grinned. We always wanted to be merch girls, so we could meet all the bands and fall in love. We nodded eagerly. The guys smiled. After a few minutes, the truck was down and Alex had already paid the ass hole. I hugged the side of my truck and sighed happily.

"Thank you, Lord," I said. Danei looked at Alex and grinned.

"Well, we shall go get our stuff now," She said. I grinned and grabbed my keys. We gave the guys our adress so they could just pick us up, and our cell phone numbers, then we headed off.
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Yepp, it sucks. Sorry ;P .
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