Taste the Courage


“I'm going to head over to Jimmy's house- he and Rachel invited Abie and I over for a movie and dinner.” Emma announced grabbing her purse.

Max put down his newspaper and sighed, “That's the fourth time this week you two are going out. Don't you think Abe should be spending some time with me.. his father?”

Fully aware of where the conversation was going, Emma sent her son up to his room, “Max, you missed out on five years of his life. Why such the rush now to make up for you?”

“You're not going over there, that's final; it's a bad influence on Abe. I'm his father- unlike you, I have his well-being in mind when I chose the people I surround myself with. You think it's safe to have a young child growing up surrounded by alcohol, cigarettes, and tattoos?”

“You're not my father. You can't make these types of decisions for me.” Emma replied defending herself.

Max smirked, “You're right, I'm not your father. Your father is a convicted felon along with the rest of your family.”

The brunette remained silent. A pool of tears began to fill the bottom of her eyes. “Just like your mother,” Max remarked, “a coward afraid to stand up for herself.”

Emma bit her lip feeling her emotions bubbling up inside, “I'm sorry...”

Max clenched his fists as Emma's phone began to ring, “Who is that? One of your little boyfriends?”

She shook her head, “I don't' have a boyfriend. They''re all just good friends, you know that.”

“Really, do I? The way I see it, your hanging on to their fame, waiting for one of them to commit to you.” Max's face turned a light shade of red, his temper rising, “Commit to me or you're out. I'm right here, ready to love you- no waiting around like you are for those rock band shits.”

“Max, please, stop. It's not like that at all. You can't force me into a relationship with you. I don't want a relationship with anyone!”

He stood from his seat at the dinner table, his icy blue eyes zeroing in on her, “No relationship with anyone... not even your son?”

Emma's heart dropped, “No, thats not what I meant!”

“No, no, you were quite clear with your request I'm going to go call my lawyer. When I come back I expect you out of my house.” Max reached into his jeans and pulled out his cell phone.

“You can't make me leave. Abraham is my son, you can't take him away from me!” She pleaded.

The blonde shook his head and brought the phone to his ear, “If you're still here when I hang up, the next call I make will be to the police to report a trespasser.”


The twenty minute car ride to Matt's house seemed a lot longer on the bus. It was pitch black by the time the bus dropped her off on the corner of the singer's street. On the verge of tears and her head hung low, Emma didn't even realize it wasn't Matt nor Val who let her in. She was already halfway through a cup of green tea and honey when she noticed something was off.

Wiping away a few stray tears, Emma noticed a different set of tattoos on the sleeveless arm of the man offering her tissues.

“Zack? What are you doing here?” she asked.

Trying to lighten the mood, Zack laughed softly, “i could as you the same thing. I'm dog watching Bella. Matt and Val went on a mini vacation with Michelle, Val's sister. They're in Vegas until Monday.”

“Oh,” she said quietly,”Max kicked me out, I didn't know where else to go...”

“Well what about Hammer?” The guitarist asked.

Looking into the piercing green eyes of the guitarist, Emma began to calm down. However, at the mention of her son, her breathing became uneven again and the tears began pouring out like Niagra again, “He.. he's going to be taken away from me.”

Emma looked up and noticed Zack's body tense up. He sighed and ran his fingers through his messy dark hair. “I'll be right back.”

The silence was eerie. In such a large house, even the slightest noise would amplify bouncing off all the walls. Zack stood from the couch and let the room. The monotone ticking from the clock in the kitchen reminded Emma of each passing second that she didn't have her son. To pass the time, she took out her phone and began scrolling through the photos she had snapped of Abe.

Ten minutes or so had passed before Zacky came back into view, “Sorry that took so long. Whit wasn't answering her phone.”

The brunette nodded. It wasn't until the mention of Zack's long-time girlfriend that Emma began piecing subtle details together- the little red bow tie, the constant time check, and most importantly-the small square outline in his jean pocket. Her eyes widened, “Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have come.” She began to scramble, picking up her phone and purse, “I should get going anyways.”

“Where are you going to go?” He asked slipping on the jacket that rest on the back of the couch.

She shrugged, “Dunno, I think I saw a hotel somewhere around here.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I doubt Matt would have a problem with you staying here. You're pretty much his little sister now, he cares about you.” Zack mentioned snatching his keys off the coffee table.

Emma nibbled the inside of her lip and considered the idea for a moment, “That would be asking for too much. I don't want to be a burden on any of you. We barely know each other.”

Zack sighed, “Alright, well its up to you.” His fingers brushed over the box in his pocket.

“She is going to say yes, you know.” Emma said smiling.

He let out a nervous laugh, “Yeah, thanks.” Zack hesitated for a moment before he was shooed towards the door. Emma slipped on her sneakers again before heading out the door after him. She waved goodbye as she watched his car speed down the dimly lit street.