Taste the Courage


“You on your way?” Brian asked anxiously over the phone.

Emma nodded grabbing a day planner of the shelf at Dollar General, “Yeah, I just needed to pick something up. Is there anything you need while I'm still out?”

“A coffee- black no sugar.”

The line went dead and Emma tossed her new phone back into her bag. The new assistant arrived at the Haner residence no more than twenty five minutes later with a suit from the dry cleaners and two piping hot coffees from Starbucks- one for her, one for her boss. She soon found Brian pacing in his bedroom. Placing the dry cleaning on the bed, Emma placed a gentle hand on his hunched shoulder.

“Everything will be fine.” She reassured him quietly.

Brian turned and looked at his assistant rubbing his hands over his face, “I know, I just want to make sure everything is perfect. You got all the RSVP cards right, and the restaurant has the seating chart?”

“Bri, relax.. I've got everything under control.” Emma smiled, “Your suit is sitting on the bed. I'll be downstairs with your tie when you're ready.”

She pat his back and handed him his drink. Back downstairs, Emma waited patiently for Brian to get changed. There was a soft vibration on the coffee table. Closing her planner and retracting her pen, Emma picked up her iPhone and saw an incoming Face-time invitation.

“Hey Val, are you guys on your way over?”

The blonde nodded and faced the camera toward her husband who was driving, “Yeah, should be there soon. Go to a mirror, show me what you're wearing!”

Sighing, Emma stood from her comfortable spot on the couch and walked over to the bathroom. She flipped on the lights and held her phone up to the mirror giving Val a view of the dress she was wearing. “You're wearing that?” She asked scrunching up her face.

Emma bit her lip, “Well, yeah.. I only had a few things to pick from. When I came to Cali I wasn't expecting to go anywhere as fancy as this things going to be.”

“Hm...” Val thought for a moment, “I've got a solution. Don't you worry your pretty little head, okay?”

“I really don't see what's wrong with my-” Before getting out another word of protest, Val ended the chat.


Sighing to herself, Emma slipped her feet into the fresh out of the box shoes before her. “How's it going in there?” Val asked through the door.

“Val, I look ridiculous. I really don't think all of this is necessary. I'm just an assistant- I'm keeping a low profile.” Emma slowly opened the door with a nervous smile on her face.

Matt tossed her tan trench coat towards her, “Cover up, I don't want people gawking at you.”

Val shot her husband a warning look, “Don't listen to that goof. You look so good!” She giggled making Emma do a 360 degree turn, “Brian's going to die when he sees you!”

Right on cue, thumping foot steps began coming down the stairs. A feel of insecurity shot through the brunette causing her to quickly cover herself in the jacket. Emma felt her cheeks light up in a gentle blush. There was no denying it- Brian looked damn good in a suit.

“Hey Bri, ready to go?” Her voice was soft, scared almost.

He nodded and began heading towards the front door holding it open for everyone. The majority of the ride over to the banquet hall, Brian nervously bounced his leg as Emma continuously reassured him that it would be alright. She reached across the center console and gave his leg a soft squeeze, “Stop worrying. Everything is perfect; I checked this morning.” He looked over and sent her a quick smile.

Before getting a chance to remover her hand, Brian pulled his away from the steering wheel and placed his tattooed one on top of hers. Nervousness continued to grow as the car ride progressed. She cracked open a window to cool down her face.

Once inside the banquet hall, Brian stood in the middle of the dance floor and looked around in awe and admiration. He mumbled some sort of thank you before picking up his ringing cell phone.

“I can take your jacket for you.”

Emma turned around to be greeted by the most vibrant green eyes she had ever seen. Zach Baker stood before him in a suit and adorable red bow tie. His hand was grasped around the smaller one belonging to his fiancé. She pulled Whitney into a hug, “Oh, Whit I'm so happy for you! Maybe I can try my hand at planning a wedding if this party goes well.” She giggled.

Whitney laughed, “Thanks so much! I'll definitely keep that in mind when we start planning all the details.”

Zach held out his hand to take Emma's jacket. She hesitated slightly before untying the loose waist belt and slowly unbuttoning the front, “Any day now.” He chuckled.

The girl swattered her friend's shoulder gently and handed him the tan jacket. Her cheeks grew hot like they did when Brian held her hand. Rachel and Val rushed over to where she and Whitney were standing. Like they were back in high school, the girls started gossiping and giggling like crazy.

“Women...” Jimmy mumbled to his best friend, “can't live with them, can't live without them.”

Brian nodded his head in agreement; his eyes had yet to tear away from Emma, “I agree, buddy. At least you've got Rach. She's been good for you man, 'member your last girlfriend?”

The drummer tossed his head back, laughing like a hyena, “What was her name? She was the one who always had those stupid bunny ears right?” Brian nodded again, his eyes still trained on his assistant, “Well listen, Bri, it doesn't take a rocket science to figure out that you have feelings for Emma. Just tell her, with the court date next week and Max constantly harassing her all the time, she needs all the support she can get.”

The sound of Max's name made Brian's skin crawl. He gritted his teeth and made his way over to his assistant. His calloused fingers gently dug into the small of Emma's back. She bit her lip trying to suppress a light moan. The assistant smiled before moving away from the group swiftly. She made her way to the happy couple of honor who were making their rounds, thanking people for the party.

“Oh, you must be the beautiful girl my boy has been raving about.” Brian Sr. said extending his hand out.

Suzy's eyes lit up, “So, this was all your doing? All these decorations and people here... I didn't think Brian knew this many people.”

Brian Sr. feigned hurt and pouted. Emma watched the couple interacted and giggled quietly, “This was actually a lot of fun! I'm glad I got to help out; I never realized how much I actually like doing all this planning stuff!”

“Well, it looks like you've got a great knack for this.” Suzy complimented before they parted ways.
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if you guys are curious to see what the outfits for this story look like, check out my polyvore :)