Taste the Courage


“Don't forget about the open bar guys,” Johnny announced after saying his bit about the married couple, “It's on Brian Jr.'s tab so keep the drinks rolling!”

The banquet hall erupted in laughter as the bass player passed the microphone back to Joel Madden who was deejaying the nights events. There was a soft tap on Emma's shoulder, “Can I have this dance?” She looked up from her planner and turned to face her favorite brown eyes and button nose.

“This isn't exactly appropriate music to dance to for a girl and her boss.”

Brian stuck out his hand, “Just trust me.”

Sighing, Emma snapped her planner shut and tossed it on the table. Her fingers tangled with his, “Only one song. I still have stuff to get done for tomorrows meeting Revolver; they want to add an hour too the photo-shoot meaning you'll have to get up an hour earlier.”

“Relax, okay? We'll worry about it all later.” He wrapped his tattooed arms around her waist and pressed his lips to her cheek, “Just dance with me.” Their bodies swayed slowly back and forth, completely ignoring all the crazy festivities going on around them. It was like everyone and everything just melted into the background as they danced to their own music. For a moment, Emma was able to forget about Max, court, interviews, photo-shoots, etc. She was finally at peace.

“Look at how cute they are, Jim!” Rachel giggled from a distance as she and her fiancée took a break from all the high energy dancing they were previously a part of.

The drummer nodded slowly, “Yeah, I just hope he doesn't mess it up. He deserves someone good.”

Rachel sighed, “It's more Emma messing up such a good thing that I'm worried about.”

Jimmy raised his eyebrow, “What do you mean, babe?”

“I don't know- I was talking to Whit the other day and apparently she and Emma were out to lunch while the boys were doing guitar stuff.” Rachel sipped her beer, “Em mentioned that she may not want to date again. After what Max put her through and the whole thing with her dad.. men are just bad news.”

“What do you mean the whole thing with her dad?” Jimmy asked feeling slightly on edge as he watched his best friend dancing with Emma.

Rachel's eyes went wide, “You don't know?”

“Know what, Rach?” He snapped.

She shook her head, “I can't... I just can't. It's not my place to say. I just worry that she's going to hurt Brian if he-”

Without even listening to what his fiance had to say at that point, Jimmy jumped out of his chair and began a beeline straight for the dancing pair. By the time he got to Brian, it was too late to warn him about what may happen if he asked his assistant out. There Brian stood looking alone and defeated while Emma hung her head low and rushed out of sight.


Going to work the next day made Emma uncomfortable. After graciously turning down Brian's lovely proposal, she felt as if things were left unsaid. Johnny and his girlfriend gave her a ride back home at the end of the night. With her car stuck at Brian's, he was picking her up on the way out to the Revolver photo-shoot.

There was a distant car horn honking on the street causing Emma to take the last bite of her bagel and pop a mint in her mouth. She waved good-bye to Lacey who was also awake and getting ready to head out for work. The car was silent unlike the other times Emma had ridden in the car with Brian.

“So, I need you to call somewhere and get me a bouquet of flowers.” Brian mentioned as they were stopped by a red light.

Emma nodded pulling out her planner and jotting down notes, “Okay, what type of flower do you want?”

He shrugged, “I don't know. Whatever you feel like getting.”

She raised her eyebrow slightly, “And who are these being sent to?”

Pulling into the studio parking lot, “To new apartment,” he instructed, “there should be a car in the glove compartment with it in there.”

The pair walked side by side into the Revolver offices to find the photographer already for the photo-shoot. While Brian posed in front of the camera, Emma sat by all the monitors. Her mind started drifting off into her own little world

“I can't have you work for me anymore, Emma.”

“What, why? Did I do something wrong, were your parents unhappy with the party?” A small pool of tears began forming at the base of her eyes.

“No, no.. its not that, my pops and Suzy loved the party.” A small twinkle shimmered in his eyes as their bodies continued to saw in unison.

“Then what is it Brian? Just tell me so I can find another job, I told Lola I would be able to pay her for the court appearance next week.”

“I sent out a check to her yesterday in the mail. I can't pay you to work for me if you're going to be my girlfriend.”

Emma got all choked up for a moment, “Girlfriend?” She asked somewhat shocked.

He nodded, “That is, if you want to be mine.”

The look on Brian's disappointed face would be forever etched into Emma's mind. She kept trying to justify her reasoning for turning him down. The only real reason was that she was scared- terrified actually that he would end up like Max, or worse... her father.

In the blink of an eye, the photo-shoot process was completed and the crew scattered for a little hour and a half break before starting the filming process for the website and interview. Taking a deep breath, Emma knew that it was now or never with her chance to explain to Brian why she turned him down. She picked up her pace, grabbed his hand, and pulled him outside to his car.

“Get in.” She said pointing to the door of his car.

He raised an eyebrow and just did as he was told, “What's this all about? I'm fucking starving.”

Groaning, Emma popped open the center console and tossed him his favorite granola bar, “I put them in there the other day after we went grocery shopping.”

“Thanks.” Brian mumbled tearing open the packaging.

Emma took a deep breath, “I feel like I owe you an explanation about last night.. I didn't mean to react the way I did. It's just...you caught me off guard and I panicked.”
♠ ♠ ♠

a little shout-out to all my lovely girls who comment! you're all seriously the best <3 i love reading your comments and your little input :) it really motivates me to keep updating this story for you!