Taste the Courage


“You don’t owe me anything. I don’t want an explanation.” Brian grumbled reaching to get out of the car, “Just forget about it, alright?”

“Brian stop,” she pleaded, “Just listen. My family is in jail because of my father. That man ruined my entire life. He brainwashed my siblings into believing all his bullshit. They suffered because of him- he lied to me all my life. His work was trafficking women and drugs. I caught him coming home almost every night smelling like a different person.”

“Did you change your cologne? I thought you wore the stuff me and Josie got you for your birthday...”

“Go to bed, Emma.” He snapped tossing his jacket over the couch. He grabbed the remote from the young girl and turned off the television, “Don’t tell Mommy, alright? We’re working on… new perfume at work and it makes Mommy’s tummy hurt. The seven year old nodded and headed back up to her bedroom.

Brian started at Emma, “So that’s why you moved out here. You just ran.”

Emma nodded, “Yeah. I’m not done yet.. I met Max when I was seventeen. We were both training for the Olympics. It was the typical teenage infatuation. I trusted him with my life and a little after a year, Abraham was born.” Her voice cracked slightly, “Max and I stayed together for a while until he just couldn’t handle it anymore.”

“I’m here and willing to be there for you and Abe… I can handle it,” Brian argued.

“Bri please,” She sighed, “I like you, at lot. That’s what scares me though. How do I know I can trust you? Look at what happened with all other men I let into my life.”

“Just try.” Desperation was the only emotion Emma could read off Brian’s face.

“Can we just wait until at least, until court is over and I get my baby back?” Watching Brian nod made Emma smile, “Thank you.” She leaned over the center console and pressed her lips to his stubble-y cheek.

A small smile crept onto Brian’s face. He opened the car door and jumped out, running over to the other side to open Emma’s door, “For you, I would wait forever.”


Waking up, it seemed like weather was reflecting the mood Emma woke up with. Clouds covered the California sun and soft pitter patters of rain tapped on the window. She sighed as she pulled herself out of the warm bed. It took longer than usual for Emma to get ready. It was like no other day that she had experienced. No mother should have to fight in court for her child when nothing was done wrong.

Just like he had promised, Brian swung by Johnny’s house to pick up Emma. He readjusted his sunglasses, waiting for Emma to come outside. Brian would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared shitless. He never expected to be in the position he was currently in. How is someone supposed to act when someone important to him is on the verge of losing their child? Max Harrison was public enemy number one.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Bri…”

Brian reached over and rested his hand on Emma’s knee, “You will be fine. You’re going to walk into that court room with Lola, and walk back out with your son. Then, you know what is going to happen after that?”

She shook her head, “What?”

“You and Abe are going to be a family. Not right away of course, but we’ll start dating and all. I promise you I will marry you one day.” Brian assured her giving her knee a light squeeze.

Emma watched the light before them turn red. She felt her words bubbling up in the pit of her stomach. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was about to jump out of her chest. It was word vomit mixed with anxiety and fear, “I think I love you.”

There was a heavy silence in the car as the light changed back to green. The longer Emma spent in the car with Brian, the more ill she felt. The second the car stopped, she was out of the car. The guitarist followed her as far as he could. Once she got to the ladies room, Emma was as good as gone. Val and Matt soon entered the courthouse to find Brian sitting on a bench with his head resting in the palms of his hands.

Val rushed over to Brian while Matt took his time walking over. Her face was etched with worry, “Are they in the court room already? Why aren’t you with her? What’s going on?” The questions were flying out of Val’s mouth a mile a minute.

Brian tilted his head towards the ladies restroom, “She darted in here the second I parked. I can’t go in there so I have no clue what’s going on.”

“Wait right here, I’ll go check on her.”

Val handed her small purse to her husband and pushed open the swinging door. It was under the first stall that she checked when she found a very familiar pair of shoes, “You know, Em, honey, you can’t stay in there forever.”

A soft sigh came from the stall and the door swung open, “I don’t think I can do it, Val. I know Max, he’s probably got some sort scheme of his sleeve. I can’t beat him at this, I just can’t. He’s got it all that I don’t. I don’t have my own place, I’m not married, no steady job since I got here… what more does the judge need to give Abe to his father for good?”

“You need to be strong like I know you can. Max may be an asshole, but you’ve got all of us for support sweetie. We are here for you every second of the way. You know Matt actually started warming up to the idea of us having kids thanks to Abe. He won’t let anything bad happen. Everything is going to be just fine. Lola is an amazing lawyer; I’m sure she’ll find some sort or deal or compromise.” Val reassured her friend and pulled Emma into a hug.
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sorry for the wait guys!