Status: something from nothing

Silver Ecstasy

An Exchange

Arianna met Hannah Ingle in their Junior year at Joplin Senior High.

The term "met" here is used loosely.

Granted, they had passed in the hall, eaten lunch at adjacent tables, and even occasionally been lab partners in the past two years. Their junior year, they actually began to become friends.

It started in art class. Arianna being talented, and Hannah taking the course merely for required credits. They struck a deal.

"Wow," Hannah stared at her neighbor's piece, "Your sketch is amazing. I can't wait to see that finished," she turned back to her own sorry work, "I'm shit at this."

Arianna barely hummed a response, concentrating fully on her work. Detailing complete, she exhaled, and looked to her right, at Hannah. She paused a moment.
"Sorry, um, thank you," she looked at Hannah's paper, seemingly covered in chicken scratch, "You're not that bad," she lied.

Hannah was amused, "Thanks, but I can tell when I'm bad at something," she sighed, turning to Arianna, "I'm Hannah."

"I know."

"...oh," Hannah said lamely, "I'm sorry... What's your name?"

"Arianna," she smiled, "It's okay, I'm just really good with names and faces."

"Well, Arianna," Hannah said, "What's your worst subject?"

"Um... Physics?"

"Perfect!" Hannah grinned.

"What's perfect? I have, like, a C in that class."

"No, no," she laughed, "I have a proposition for you."

"Okay... Hit me with it."

"You help me with my awful art, and I help you with physics?"

"... Alright, deal."

A handshake, a pair of smiles, and a friendship was born.

A year later, the girls were still friends. Best friends, in fact, but there was still something Arianna didn't know.

She knew Hannah's sister Sarah, and she knew about her two other brothers' general existence, but she was totally unaware of one thing.

Christofer Drew Ingle.

Age twenty.

Scruffy brown hair,

a few piercings and tattoos,

and the world's most charming smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...this is a collaboration between Jeanyn( coruscatee) and I (:

Neither of us have been on here or written fanfics in a while! We're taking back Mibba, and we're taking it by storm!

P.S. to all Happy readers... I sincerely apologize for leaving you all in the dark. I would continue the story, but after becoming semi-friends with Chris, it's become too weird, considering that I'm a main character hahah.