Saving Elsie


"Are you going to talk to me Elsie? I want to help you" The doctor said in a soft voice but at the same time getting impatient with the girl infront of her.

Elsie laughed "You don't care about helping me" She leaned foreward towards the Doctor "The only reason you're even pretending to care is because my Mother is paying you to"

She leaned back again, slouching in the chair playing with the bandage wrapped around her hand from the stitches..

Doctor Manning sighed, wrote something down and spoke again.

"You are right Elsie, I am getting paid but I do want to help you, how about you start from the beginning" She hoped that this girl would just open up to her.

The girl ran a hand through her long blonde messy hair, "I don't think you have the time Doc"
♠ ♠ ♠
They are only going to be short chapters :) Haven't been on Mibba in awhile, kinda hit a writers block because of crazy things going on..but hopefully I am back haha let me know what you think please!

Thanks so much for reading :D