Status: Very active.

The Big Empty

To be close to you.

Shannon walked into the club, Exchange, with his close friend, Antoine Becks. They had become friends years ago when Shannon help his band CB7 get their start. Eventually Antoine branched off and did some of his own gigs as a DJ. Tonight would be one the many appearances that Shannon would make with Becky. He’d bang on some drums, drink a couple of drinks, and possibly take a girl to some random hotel and have drunken sex that he wouldn’t remember the next morning.

By one in the morning, Shannon was already three sheets to the wind with a busty blonde tucked under his arm. Antoine laughed at his friend and shooed him away. Antoine adored Kati, but he would never tell her what was going on with her husband. If Shannon wanted her to know, he would tell her himself. Typical male.

Shannon leaned into the girl’s ear who he had already forgotten the name of and whispered, “How about we go somewhere a little more private?” He placed a warm, wet kiss on the blonde’s neck.

Like most star struck females, she giggled and agreed. Soon enough they were outside up against the chicks car. Shannon’s hands laid flat on the black Mercedes while the blonde bimbo sucked on his hard and throbbing cock. She wasn’t that good. It could have been how drunk she was or maybe she just wasn’t good at giving head. The female kept scraping her teeth against him and at one point Shannon thought she was going to vomit. Somehow, he pushed the thoughts aside until he could finally get off. It wasn’t hard for himself to detach himself from the situation. He basically left the girl there on her knees in the parking lot behind the club.

Shannon managed to drag his drunken self around to the front of the club and hail a taxi. He wasn’t thinking about anything he had done. He wasn’t even thinking about Kati and how she would feel when he would walk through the door drunk as a skunk. Instead, he fell asleep. When the taxi stopped in front of his home, the driver had to wake him up. Shannon threw him a fifty dollar bill and made his way up the sidewalk nearly tripping up as he walked up the concrete steps.

As Shannon entered his home he found himself becoming disturbed by the silence that surrounded him. He walked throughout the house and checked every room but there was no sign of Kati. Finally he noticed the back porch was illuminated by the lights in the back yard. As he opened the door he noticed Kati sitting in the hot tub with a glass of wine in her hand and a cigarette dangling from her lips. She only smoked when she was drunk, so Shannon knew he’d be able to take advantage of her. The couple never had sex when they were sober anymore. If they did, Shannon was forcing upon his wife.

“Hey baby.” Kati’s words were slurred and her eyes were slightly glazed over. If Shannon didn’t know any better he would have suspected she was high as well. “You’re home early.”

“Mmhmm,” Shannon mumbled as he began to slip off his clothes. He was about to pull down his briefs when he stopped and turned back to his wife, “Do you mind if I join you?”

Kati shook her head and smiled as she took another drag of her menthol cigarette. Shan finished undressing and bent over to grab his own smokes from his pants pocket. A light chuckle escaped his wife’s lips as she stared at his exposed behind.

Shannon stood upright and slipped into the hot water in the Jacuzzi. He slid over to his wife and put his arm around her shoulder. He pressed his lips to her neck much like he had done earlier to the busty blonde. Kati put the cigarette out quickly and brought her attention back to Shannon. She moved swiftly through the water until she was settled on his lap. Without any hesitation Shannon had untied the strings to her bottoms and threw them onto the grass that surrounded the hot tub. Though the water cause a bit of friction, he pushed himself into her. He never eased his way in. It was all about getting off for him anymore. There was no emotion involved in anything.

Shannon Leto was a shell of a man who once had everything.