Status: Very active.

The Big Empty

I'm a little drunk and I need you now.

Haley stared at Kati’s broken down appearance as she sat across from her at Katsuya. Kati was picking at the California roll that sat on the black square plate. Haley could tell she wasn’t well. She knew how Kati acted in every situation and lately all she had been was upset.

“Kati, what happened earlier and why didn’t Shan come?” Haley sat down her chop sticks and stared at her best friend intently.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Hal. I’m just going to get upset again.” Kati took a small bite of the sushi before placing it back down on her plate.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Kit Kat. I know when something is wrong and something definitely isn’t right.”

“We just got into another fight and Constance just so happened to be there when it happened.” Kati took a sip of her vodka tonic.

“Did he hit you again? I swear to God if he did, I’m going to kill him.” Haley balled the cloth napkin in her fist.

Kati nodded her head and bowed her head. She found herself crying once more. This time in public where their were paparazzi. That was the last thing Kati needed; another reason for Shannon to be mad.

“I don’t even know what to say right now. I’m just speechless.” Haley took a large sip of her glass of Merlot.

“He’s just so different since Jay died. I know this is hard for you to talk about, but he’s heading down hill. He’s drinking so much, Hal…and I know he’s cheating on me. I just fucking know it.” Kati buried her head in her hands.

Haley rushed over to the other side of the table and slid in the booth next to her best friend, “Honey, everything is going to be okay. I’ll talk to Tomo and Vicki. Maybe we can get him help. Until then, I think you should come stay with me for a few days. All I got is that damn mouse, Lucy that Jay bought me for Christmas. The house is too quiet.” Haley laughed softly in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

“He’ll come looking for me, Hal. You and I both know this.”

“Then I’ll just come home with you. I have a bag in my car. We can sit by the pool and talk.”

“And if Shan is back?”

“I don’t give a fuck. He touches me, Jared will rise from the dead and kick his pansy ass.” This time Kati joined in on the laughter and for once she was looking forward to something.

Kati was about to pull in the driveway when he phone started to ring obnoxiously. She moaned loudly as she saw who was calling. Any other woman wouldn’t have answered the phone. They would have let Shannon call and call until he couldn’t call anymore. They would lock him out of his own home and change the locks before the next evening. But Kati would never do that to her husband. Even with all of the shit he put her through, she would never deny Shannon.

Haley tapped on the window lightly and Kati held her finger up, asking her to wait. “Shannon?”

“I need you to come get me.” His voice was shaky and immediately the worst thought popped into Kati’s head.

“Where are you? Are you hurt?”

Shannon’s cries were so loud even Haley could hear them. She raised her eyebrows as she peered in the window. Without hesitation, she pulled open the passenger side door and sunk down into the leather seat. “Is that Shannon?” She whispered. Kati nodded her head as she listened to what Shannon was saying. Haley’s face twisted into this odd frown as she heard Shannon panicking on the other end of the line.

“I-I crashed my bike. It’s totaled. I’m a few miles away from our beach house. P-p-please come get me.”

Kati turned the key in the ignition and was out of the driveway before she hung up on Shannon. Haley had to remind her to put on her seatbelt. They must have been going at least eighty miles an hour down the beltway. It wasn’t long after they took the exit ramp that they came across Shannon sitting against the guardrail staring at his bike that appeared to be in a hundred pieces on the shoulder of the road. The guardrail was dented pretty badly. Haley and Kati couldn’t see what other damage had occurred until they got out of the car.

Shannon’s helmet was sitting his lap with a huge crack down the center. His own head had a huge gash the seemed to have split his eyebrow. Kati ran over to him and inspected him quickly. “Shan, we need to get you to the hospital.”

“I’m so fucking drunk, Kitty Kat.” A loud giggle expelled from his mouth. That’s when she noticed the busted lip.

Kati struggled to hold back her tears, “Well if we don’t get you to the hospital, you’ll die.”

She had turned around to tell Haley to call 911, but she was already on the line with them. Kati turned back to Shannon who now crying like he had been when he was on the phone. “I’m so fucking stupid. Kati, I just want to go see Jared. Can you take me to see him?”

That’s when everybody grew quiet. Haley had dropped her phone and fell back. Luckily the car was there to catch her. Kati found herself speechless while Shannon kept on asking for his brother. “Stop ignoring me, Kati. Where is Jay at? He didn’t come with you guys?”

“Shannon, you need to calm down. You may have a concussion. Please just stay quiet and calm until the paramedics get here.” Kati tried her best to keep Shannon from saying anymore about Jared especially in front of Haley.

Finally the medics arrived and quickly rushed Shannon to the hospital. Kati rode with him of course while Haley drove her best friend’s BMW to the general hospital. The whole entire ride to the hospital Shan kept asking about his brother and Kati kept on crying while she begged him to be quiet. Haley remained silent while she drove to the hospital. She didn’t even turn on the radio. All she kept thinking about was if Jared had been there watching over his older brother.
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Thanks to those who have subscribed already!