Status: Very active.

The Big Empty

I am my own parasite.

Not long after the VMA’s, the lot of them left. They were all embarrassed by Shannon’s actions, but not as much as Kati was. She was petrified. She would have to face the media, her friends, and most importantly her parents. Shannon’s addiction had not only caused himself pain, but everybody around him. Kati couldn’t take it anymore.

“Do you need help getting him into the house?” Tomo asked Kati.

Kati went to go answer, but Shannon piped up, “I can take myself fucking inside.” And with that he climbed out of the truck and stomped inside.

Kati turned to Haley, “I’ll call you when I’m about to leave.”

“Are you sure you don’t need us to come in there with you?” Vicki asked with sadness embedded in her voice.

“I’ll be fine. If I need anything I’ll call.” Kati waved goodbye and got out of the SUV and quickly made her way inside.

As soon as she walked inside she was confronted with her husband’s face distorted with rage, “I hope you don’t fucking plan on leaving.”

“Shannon, get out of my way.”

“I’m keeping the animals.”

“No, you aren’t. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t have anything.” Her words were harsh and cut through Shannon’s heart even thought he was intoxicated. Kati stormed past him and into their room. She quickly went into the closet and pulled out her suitcase. She didn’t care about being tidy, she threw anything she could fit. Jeans, shirts, coats, sock, underwear, her charger…

The suitcase was ripped from her grasp and thrown across the room. As it connected with the wall, a loud crack split through the air and a visible hole was made. “You aren’t fucking going anywhere.”

“I’ll just take myself and the dogs then.” She grabbed her purse and held onto it tightly and she pushed past Shannon, but it was no use. He grabbed onto her arm and threw her back. She landed on the bed with a loud thump. Kati head had banged into the headboard pretty hard. Shannon grabbed her feet and pulled her down toward him and them he climbed on top of her.

“Get off of me!” Kati screamed while attempting to throw her fists at her husband’s face.

Shannon began to unbuckle his trousers, pulling them off violently and throwing them on the floor. Kati was still screaming…begging him to stop. He pulled off his briefs and tossed those as well. Soon enough he had his wife’s dress hiked up to her waste. By this point, Kati was in tears. She knew what was about to happen and she knew she wasn’t strong enough to stop it. All she could do was continue to squirm about and scream, but eventually Shannon would find a way to shut her up.

He placed himself at her entrance and forced his way in. It was difficult with her moving, so pulled out and backed away slightly. He mustered up all the strength he could and flipped her struggling body on her stomach. He took his own hands and pinned Kati’s down, taking his knees to the back of her thighs. She had know choice but to arch her behind up in the air. Shannon smirked at his own achievement and plunged into his helpless wife once more. Her scream echoed throughout the house causing the dogs to run into the bedroom. They began barking and nipping at Shannon’s feet. Eventually he had kicked his foot back and hit poor Cooper in the nose. Surely, that had scared the dogs enough to make them leave. Though Kati should have been more concerned about herself, she was worried Shannon had hurt the puppy.

“You are an animal!” She screamed. “A pig!”

Shannon took his hand and pushed on the back of her head, making her sounds muffled. “Shut your fucking mouth, you filthy slut!” He grunted as he thrusted into her over and over. As he was about to release, he felt his wife gasping.

Five minutes later, Kati had stopped breathing. Shannon stood next to her and cried silently. He thought he had knocked her unconscious or maybe he even killed her. As he was coming off of his high another rush of emotions hit him and he began to bang his head on the side table. “Fuck!”

Shannon heard footsteps rushing toward the bedroom. As he looked up he saw Haley with a devilish look in her eyes. Her eyes kept darting back and forth between her best friend and Shannon. “You son of a bitch!”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the shortest chapter in the series.
It's also the second to last chapter.