Status: Slow, but in progress

The Soap Opera Experiment

Chapter 5

… a dark haired forty-ish, athletic looking man.

Before Patrick could speak, the guy clocked him a good one, and he stumbled into the bay door. The impact caused the locking mechanism to fail and the door to open. As he slumped to the floor, Patrick noticed a pack with a bag neatly labeled as “Kevin Hughes.” The name was so familiar, but he just couldn’t place it.

Leah and Mackensie were in shock. Leah thought it was bad enough her mother lied to her for twenty-five years about a sister. But she had a lover, too? Mackensie was in shock because she knew that name. In fact, she had spent a great deal of time and effort looking for that name. She thought, “It couldn’t be. It’s not possible.”

Sharon felt somewhat okay. She’d been itching to tell someone about Kevin, and she finally got the chance. There was nothing else she could do. In fact, she was supposed to see him tonight. If she ever got out of this castle.

Kevin was getting excited. One down – two more to go. He couldn’t wait to meet up with Sharon later. He just had to think up an excuse to tell his wife.

Patrick had to admit, free falling was fun. Potentially deadly, but fun. Without warning, an object came hurtling towards him. It was a parachute. Kevin was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a killer. Ten minutes later, Patrick was safely on the ground, in the middle of nowhere. Time to start walking.

Michael ran into Patrick after about an hour. Because Patrick was exhausted, he totally forgot about Kiran and Walter still trapped in the helicopter. He gladly climbed into Michael’s car and let him drive back to the castle.

Kevin landed the helicopter at a small, rural airport. Walter opened the divider and climbed out.

“Thanks for the lift. It didn’t have to be that dramatic you know,” he said. Kiran grabbed his bag and quickly changed out of his man dress into a kilt (same effect, but with slightly more style). Walter smiled and gleefully reminded Kiran that he owed him a date.

Kevin watched as the two walked towards the pub together. As funny as it would be to stay and watch, he had things to do. He pulled out his cell phone and punched in his wife’s speed dial. But it wasn’t Lily who answered the phone…
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We're getting close to the dramatics!! (: