Status: Under construction.

"Take Me On I'm Feeling In The Mood"

You Have the Chemicals to Make Me Fall In Love

The hotel bed my boyfriend and I were laying on decided it was going to keep me from sleeping in to at least ten A.M. because of it's uncomfortableness. Though I decided I would tough it out and hopefully become immune to it like Monte- my boyfriend.

He was cuddled into my side resting his head in the crook of my neck, his arm thrown over my tummy.

Reaching over with my arm that wasn't being squished by him I gently ran my fingers threw his slightly greasy blonde and black hair. Playing with it, knowing he was sleeping to hard to wake up. He had an epic show last night and was terribly tired afterwords. So basically he had just crashed in this position.

Taking my hand out of his hair I rubbed my face, sighing angrily. Deciding it would be better for my to just space off and hopefully fall back asleep.

Two Years Ago

Bright lights flashed above my head, painting the scenery around me neon iridescent colors. Numerous bodies pressed against mine as Ashley and I slipped threw all the people, us being as short as we were made it easier to get to the front of the venue.

Excitement pumped through my veins, tonight Ashley and I got to see Escape the Fate and hopefully met them later. Sadly it probably wont happen most likely... oh well.

Finally we made it to the barrier as Motionless in White was at the end of their set.

As they left stage everything went dark and the screams of the crowd went to a hushed mummer.

Bright lights flashed in a spastic manor and a plume of fog entered the venue, it was a small one so it wasn't hard to fill it.

Soon the bodies of Craig, Max, Robert and Monte appeared behind their instruments- well for Craig microphone- and Craig screamed something to the crowd. I didn't pay attention though, the only thing I person I looked at was Monte. He was my favorite, and the whole reason I play guitar. So I forever owe him for being the most epic guitarist ever. Plus it also helped that he was the most adorable man to live.

They played about three more songs, and within that time Ash and I had been pushed back by a few big dick heads. And again Craig stopped to talk, joy. Oh the lovely joy.

“Hmm, this next song goes to the pretty, short girl with what looks like...” He paused for a second and squinted his eyes and looked like he was looking at Ash, her own eyes the size of dinner plates.

“Red-brown hair, I don'no. And aye bro while I'm at it let those two little girls up front! I want her on stage when I sing this song.” He yelled the last part and the people in front of us respectfully moved out of the way, making a perfect path for us. Ashley gasped loudly and couldn't contain her little 'fan girl squeal'.

Shyly I said thank you too all the people what moved over, and stood a-little behind Ashley clinging to her sleeve; 'cause she was just a-little taller then me.

One of the bouncers grabbed Ashley around her waist and set her on stage as the little opening to the song “You Are so Beautiful” began and Craig started to recite the song to Ashley. Looking at her the whole time. To say I was a-little jealous was an understate meant, but I would let her enjoy this all by herself. She deserved that much.

Again I just gazed over at Monte and his wonderful playing. The dude looked so in the zone, it truly amazed me. And luckily for me I was right at the barrier so I could watch him up close.

In the middle of the song- I was still watching Monte- Monte actually looked straight into my eyes- or that's what it seemed like, and gave me -I think- a huge smile with the adorable dimples and everything.

Butterfly's fly around my stomach as I nervously smiled back and gave a small wave, he nodded back at me still smiling. And for the first time this whole show I looked over to where Craig was, only because Ashley was standing next to him though.

As the song came to a close, Craig leaned back and looked around somewhere off to the side. Yelling something like “Hey, hey bring me some passes dude!” I think... I think.

Some gangly dude with huge gauges and a crew cut gave Craig two laminated passes with straps to put around your neck.

Craig leaned over and reached out handing Ashley the passes, she looked so excited; wide eyes, slightly panting. Oh yes she was ecstatic.
“For you and your friend.” He said with a smile, “Come met us back stage when the shows over.”

About six songs later, they did end the show. I noticed that Monte never did look away from me; I being the shy person I was had a blush painted on my cheeks and refused to look back except for a few stray glances towards him.

“Hey, HEY! You two girls, come'er I'm taking you back stage!” That same gangly dude came pushing threw the remaining people in our directions and grabbed both our shoulder, roughly yanking us with him to the room back room were the guys where.

Swiftly pulling us right up to a group of chatting guys he curtly left us with a nod and ran off in some odd direction.

Glaring at his fading back rubbing my shoulder gently, because dude I hurt when he was yanking us!

Someone softly tapped my arm to get my attention and when I turned around I saw none other then the face of Monte Money.

“Hey” he said with a concerned look on his face, “Is your arm okay, Daren was yanking you really roughly?” placing his arm over my slightly sore shoulder and rubbing it soothingly.

“Y-yeah I'm fine, thank you for asking though!” I added the last part quickly, forgetting not to be rude.

Smiling brightly at me he introduced himself as “Monte Money” though I already knew that.

“Err, Hi I'm Evangelina, well all my friends called me Eva though. It's really great to meet you dude!” I ended my voice going a little high pitched, a bright smile etching it's way onto my face.

He just smiled at me and said “Thanks.” and we made small talk for about ten minuets- I noticed Ashley talking to Craig in a corner... all the way across the room.

“Hey, um...” He trailed off while looking at his phone for the time. “Do you wanna like go to, I don'no a cafe or something? Because I'm here for like three more day and I'd love to hang.” He asked, toying with his hands, a habit most nervous people tend to do.

“I'd love to” I said with a confident smile, but on the inside I was in turmoil.


I smiled fondly remembering the first time me and my boyfriend met formally, the night we exchanged numbers. And six months after that when we hooked up. So that makes us at... one year and six months together.

My nostalgia stopped as I felt Monte moving beside me as he sat up, leaving me slightly cold.

He stretched his arms out, making his muscles flex and a yawn left his mouth.

“Mornin' sleepyhead” I teased as he flopped down onto the bed next too me again.

“Morning baby” he said positioning himself over me in a way that he could lean down and kiss me then sat back up pulling me with him and into his lap.

“Aren't your legs sore baby? You slept in your skinny jeans all night.” I murmurer cuddling into his chest wile he hugged me and rested his head onto of mine.

He just shrugged, “I've done it before, dear I'm used to it.” Squeezing me tightly to him for a second longer, trying to hold onto this moment as long as we could.

“Come on baby, lets go take a shower.” He said yawning once more as he dragged me into the bathroom and shut the door.

I reached into the shower and turned the water up to what seemed like a good temperature, though you could never tell with hotels.

We both stripped down and did take a shower after a, 'cough, cough' little fun.

After we got out we both got dressed and packed our stuff up, heading out the front lobby to the bus that we were touring in.

In front of the bus I saw that familiar head of Red-brown hair and tan skin.

“Ashley” I called with a happy smile as I began running towards her and embraced her, even though it had only been one night I still missed her. She was my best friend. I could hear the boys laughing behind us. Me and Ash just smiled at each other and we just walked back to our boys and onto the bus.

I had a feeling today would be a good day.
♠ ♠ ♠
[EDIT] at one part in the flash back it said "Own him." I meant "Owe him"{EDIT] xD

Sorry if the end's kinda rushed bro's D;
But I like it and I think it's off to a good start. Hopefully it'll stay that way :)

If somethings messed up then please tell me!

~Something Insidious