

“No I don’t have any Jell-O,” Erin said.
“Did you check in the fridge?” Haley yelled back.
“I’m looking there right now,” Erin retorted.
“Check the back of the fridge,” Haley yelled again.
“Why don’t you get up and go look for the non existent Jell-O and I’ll sit on the couch and watch T.V,” Erin replied.
“Fine,” Haley grunted.
“What’s this note on your counter?” she asked.
“What note?” Erin asked her.
“This note right here, on the counter, it says to Erin right on it,” Haley explained.
“There’s no note on the counter,” Erin said.
“Come see for yourself,” said Haley.
“Fine I’ll come look at your imaginary note,” Erin said.
“Oh there really is a note,” she remarked.
“Read it,” Haley said.
“Hey Erin sorry but I ate the last Jell-O hope you don’t mind. Dead people can’t eat anyway,” Erin read out loud.
“What?” Haley asked.
“What was that noise?” Erin whispered.
“What noise?” asked Haley.
“That noise! It’s coming from the hallway!” Erin exclaimed.
“Well do we investigate or what?” Haley asked panicked.
“It’s probably someone just playing a prank on us,” Erin said.
“Follow me,” she demanded.
“What if it’s not someone playing a prank?” Haley asked.
“Then what would it be do you really think someone is in my house right now trying to kill us?” Erin scoffed.
“Here, you go upstairs and I’ll check down here,” she suggested.
“Are you dumb?” Haley asked.
“What do you mean?” Erin replied.
“If we split up we’re both going to die, our chances of survival are way better if we stay together,” explained Haley.
“You watch to many horror movies, go upstairs,” Erin stated.
“Fine,” Haley sighed.
Haley added, “But if I die you better feel sorry.”
“You aren’t going to die, now go,” Erin said.
“I’m going I’m going,” Haley groaned.
“Yell down if you find anything,” Erin said.
“Oh you’ll know if I find anything,” Haley said.
“So how’s it going up there?” Erin shouted.
“Nothing yet, thank god,” Haley yelled.
“Nothing down here either,” Erin shouted.
“How’s it going up there?” she shouted.
“Haley?” Erin screamed.
“I’m coming upstairs and if you’re doing this to scare me I’m gonna be so mad!” Erin yelled.
“Haley this isn’t funny!” Erin yelled.
“Are you in the bathroom,” she asked.
“Haley!” she screamed.
“Told you I took the Jell-O,” a voice called.
“I’m calling the police!” Erin screamed.
“Hello? Police! There’s someone in my house. They killed my friend in my bathtub with Jell-O!” Erin cried.
“Hello? Hello?” Erin screamed.
“No one can help you now,” the voice whispered.
“Help me!” screamed Erin.
“No one is going to help you Erin no one is going to believe that your friend died in Jell-O” the voice laughed.
“You can’t run Erin” the voice shouted.
“Somebody help me!” Erin cried.
“Maybe you should try calling the cops again? Tell them its cherry Jell-O it’ll seem more believable” the voice laughed.
“Why are you doing this?” Erin screamed
“Because last year during lunch I was sitting there minding my own business and you came along and snagged my Jell-O cup. Last Jell-O cup I might add this, this is revenge,” the voice explained.
“Rebecca?” Erin asked.
“Goodbye Erin” Rebecca said.