The Dark Details

Neverland is under siege from a new threat. A recent addition to the Lost Boys, Noah Bell, believes it's high time that the great Peter Pan revealed his secret to staying perpetually young. But Peter refuses, and so Noah eventually rebels and drives Peter out of Neverland and into our world.

It takes years for Peter to find her, and by the time he does, he's already nearing his eighteenth birthday; Earth is aging him. But finally, on a windy day in March, he finds Linna Sable, Wendy's closest descendant.

Now, Peter and Linna are caught up in the ultimate war. It's faeries versus pirates, Lost Boys versus Underlings, Peter Pan versus Noah Bell.

Neverland's future is at stake. And what lies ahead can only be determined by the boy who wouldn't grow up...until now.

Banner credit to Alice Gracie Hart at Shadowplay.