Status: Re-written

A Tail of the Moon


Long ago when the world was young the night was ruled by the Moon Goddess Lune. She was lonely and wanted company in the quiet darkness. She longed to be loved. One night a pack of wolves gathered under her silver glow. They cast their heads up, and sang to her all night. Lune was so moved that she granted the pack the ability to walk as humans. They were known as the moon children.

Generations past, and the numbers of the moon children increased. The goddess loved her children; she adored talking to them, and they adored singing for her.

Then one night, a pack of white wolves came down from the north. Lune had her breath taken away by their lovely white color, and offered them the gift of shifting if they sang to her the next night. So during the day when the white wolves slept, the moon children took their human skins and hunted. They were so jealous of the white coats their goddess loved. When night fell they skinned their prey, and wore them as pelts over their own natural coats.

When it came time to sing for Lune, she was nowhere to be found. They hadn't realized that one white wolf had escaped, and told the goddess of the moon children's terrible deed.

The next night when the wolves returned with the white pelts, Lune appeared before them. The moon turned red, and in a fit of rage she ripped off all of their tails, and then ceased to speak to her children. The moon children sang to her of remorse and sorrow for years.

Then one day the lone white wolf came back to the moon children with her husband and daughter. Not only did all three have tails, but they were granted the ability of shifting forms too. She had come back to give them a message that the moon goddess had left with her.

"The day will come when a white wolf is born among the wrong pack. Only then will I speak again for all ears to hear."

500 years have past, and that day has finally come.


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