Status: Re-written

A Tail of the Moon


Ten years ago I was attacked by a wolf. As an eight year old I didn't stand a chance. He literally tore my human guise off of my eye. So, it left an eternal scar on my face, and a view of my wolf eye. I tried hiding it, tried being the key word. It didn't work out so well. Now that I see this one-eyed deer, I know exactly who would do such a thing. The muscles behind my wolf eye clench, my nostrils flare, and I can feel the righteous fury growing. I know he only did it to piss me off. Well he can congratulate himself because it worked!

"Luna, what are thinking?" Tala asked while grabbing my shoulder.

"I'm thinking of all the ways I can mutilate a body."

"Luna, you're all bloody...and stuff. You should go clean up." Susi said and ushered me toward the staircase that would lead to the girl's locker room.

"No. I am gonna find him, and I am gonna kill him." I pulled out of her grasp and turned toward the front doors."

"Luna!" Edon barked, "Just stop and-"

He froze. I turned to where he was glaring and felt my own eyes turn to slits. Weylyn. He shot us a smirk, and turned to walk away down the opposite hall. Clenching my jaw, I found myself trying to calm down. I saw my reflection in the glass trophy case. I looked like a crazed murderer drenched in the victims blood. It covered my clothes, face, and hair. Before I lunged in his direction, a hand shot out of the crowd and held firm.

"Do not follow him, he is dangerous." Without a glance in this persons direction, I wrenched my wrist free.

"He doesn't even know what dangerous is, but I will remedy that!" I snarled and shot forward.

I heard my friends call my name in desperation as I chased after the bait. I scoffed when I realized he was leading me to the back hallways, hardly anyone ever goes back there. With everyone out in the commons I knew there would be no witnesses. Perfect. His voice rang out, chuckling in amusement.

"Am I too fast Luna?"

"Just keep running you coward. When I catch you, you are dead." I snarled.

I turned around one last corner and stopped dead in my tracks. Weylyn was there with his pack, hiding in the shadows. His eyes glowed like coals on fire, and he snarled. The dark jet black hair that ran in his family was tangled, and windblown. Without even having fur on his body, this boy was an animal. I bent my knees and locked my stance when he started sprinting for me. Our bodies collided with his fist in my hair and my hand grasping his neck. Are legs were spread wide and held firm as we clutched each other violently shaking, hoping to get the first hit in. Weylyn let go first, then dropped down to crouch and kick my legs out from under me. Twisting onto all fours, I launched myself at his unstable crouched position. He fell onto his back. When my fist was about to connect with his face, I was knocked backwards into the brick wall, and held in place by Blaez, Leloo, and Accalia. Weylyn stood up and raced over to me, landing a punch right in my stomach. I struggled to breathe as the wind got knocked out of me.

"This is low even for you Weylyn." I wheezed.

"So says the pristine white wolf. Tell me, what does our Goddess have to say now?"

"She has nothing to say to you." I began to smirk when the air returned to my lungs, " You're too far below her speaking range."

Weylyn's nostrils flared. He back handed my face into the locker. Teeth knocked together when my face connected with brick, and blood trickled down the exposed side of my face he had hit. Weylyn chuckled low, and licked his knuckles clean.

"You shouldn't be such a bitch."

"Oh no, the truth. It hurts." I rolled my eyes.

"I swear to the moon above I'll rip off your head and have it mounted!"

"Guess what Weylyn? My tail is in between my legs." I smirked at his enraged expression.

If only looks could kill, fights would get finished so much quicker. Weylyn reached out and brushed the three silver rings on my right ear. He glanced at the matching ones on my left ear, the third one higher up on my cartilage. His eyes grew soft for just a moment, then froze over again. His fingers trailed down the side of my face, sweeping down my neck. He stopped when he reach into my shirt and pulled up a thin silver chain with a large fang on it.

"He can no longer protect you." Weylyn said.

"I don't need protection from you..." I whispered, staring at the fang in-between his fingers.

Weylyn dropped the necklace. He traced his hand up my neck again, and began to squeeze. I tried kicking my feet out, but Accalia held them in place. Even as Weylyn started to lift me off my feet, she held them still.

"Keep squirming, I like it." Weylyn pressed his hand tighter against my throat with a lewd smile.

I gasped, trying to work oxygen into my lungs. This was not how I was supposed to die. I could hear Lune in the back of my mind, calling to me.

"Be strong Luna, do not give in!"

I managed to rip my arm out of Leloo's grasp, and immediately tried clawing Weylyn's hand off my neck. His free arm grabbed mine and moved it between us. My fingers pierced through his shirt and into his skin. I sunk my claws in deeper and he let out a hiss; breathing through his nose heavily. I was done for, my hand fell limp against his chest, and I shut my eyes to the blurring world.

"Say hello to your dad for me."

"Hey, let her go!" someone's deep voice shouted.

Weylyn jumped in surprise and released my neck. I gasped for air as my body crumpled to the floor, Weylyn's unsure grasp still held my wrist. Blaze, Accalia, and Leloo jumped behind their leader, baring their fangs. I stared at the stranger walking up to Weylyn; he was giant, taller than most of the full grown men in my pack. Weylyn growled low in his throat.

"What did you just say to me?"

"You heard me mutt. Let her go."

He was tall, around 6'5". His skin had a natural dusting tan, an angular face with a strong jaw line, and black hair, but when he crossed in front of the window, the sun light made it look dark, dark, blue. The middle portion of his hair was gelled up into a mohawk, while the rest of it was trimmed short, framing his scalp. I noticed the shine from his left eyebrow piercing and both ears with two silver rings in each.

"Who're you to boss me around? Better get going before you get hurt human."

The guy snorted and let a grin fall across his mouth. His steel blue eyes widened, in a look that was oddly crazed and amused. Suddenly Weylyn's grip was gone, and he was pinned against the opposite wall. What?

"I don't like to repeat myself." he growled menacingly while releasing Weylyn. "Now beat it."

Weylyn pushed away from my savior and scoffed. He locked eyes with me, and sneered.

"We will finish this another day Luna." I watched him reach into his pocket and pull out something small and round. "An eye for an eye." he smirked and through the object at me.

I waited until they were all out of sight before looking down to what I had caught. I stood up outraged, squishing the deer's missing eye in my fist I felt my anger simmer beneath the surface of my skin

"That bastard."

"I told you not to follow him!" stranger man glared at me.

"I can take care of myself."

"Clearly." he deadpanned.

I walked up to him, craning my neck so that I could glare at him fully. His lips twitched upwards. The man's eyes roamed all over me. Staring at some places perhaps a little too long. I felt my face heating up.

"I am drenched in blood, and instead of being disgusted you are looking at me as if I am something to eat!" I scoffed, " Who the he'll do you think you are?!"

"My name is Ivaylo. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Luna." he answered with a crooked grin.
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