New Perspective

New Perspective 8

Darren hadn't followed us after P.E but as I was dragged to an outside table I found him sat there surrounded by other people I didn't know. There was the lad I had seen in P.E with Darren, a fatter boy with short brown hair and a girl with piercing blue eyes and long brown hair. They seemed like a bunch of misfits.
"Hi guys! This is Brendon. He's new." Kate said cheerfully.
She took a seat next to the girl who budged up to let me in. Darren and the two boys sat opposite us.
"Brendon this is Becky." Kate said motioning to the girl beside her who waved.
"Hi Freash meat." Becky said and winked.
I frowned at looked at Kate.
"Don't worry about her she's just trying to freak you out." Kate laughed. I laughed too. Becky was fun.
"This is Lucas and that's Nathan." she finished motioning to the boy I saw in P.E first and then the fatter boy.
Lucas stook out a hand to me and I took it, grateful for the welcoming gesture. Nathan on the other hand didn't. He leaned over to Darren and said something too quiet for me to here. I didn't like him.
"Anyway you can eat with us guys any time you want. You need a few friends to start off with." Kate said smiling at the rest of the gang. "Isn't that right boys?" she said glaring at Darren and Nathan.
"Yes Katie. You can eat with us Brendon." Darren said coldly. Nathan stayed quiet.
"Thanks guys. That means a lot." I said honestly grateful. I made sure I didn't aim that at Darren or Nathan though. They needed to know we weren't okay.
"Great. So I need ideas as to how we can get Brendon to fit in more. Good ones too. Non of that crappy stuff. Any suggestions?" Katelynn asked looking around the table.
I honestly did not expect this. It wasn't like I had asked for them to look out for me. Heck I was happy just to be friends with Katelynn. The other two were just an added bonus.
"What about music?" Becky asked glancing at me.
"Yeah! He plays loads of instruments. And he sings! That could work." Kate said enthusiastically.
"I don't think that would actually. Unless he formed a band he's most likely just going to be picked on for it." Lucas interjected.
"Good point actually." Becky said.
I looked around at them all. They were actually helping. It was weird. But the mention of a band brought back a pang of homesickness. I was already missing my mates back in Nevada. It was painfully sad.
"What about a sport?" Lucas asked interrupting my train of thought.
"That's a great idea!!!" Kate and Becky both said simultaniously.
"No! I am not helping this loser find a sport. Neither should you lot. We all did it ourselves lets just kick him out while we still can." Darren said.
Nathan laughed and Becky kicked him from under the table.
"You will show manners and respect! It wasn't that long ago that I was new remember! You didn't treat me like this." she snapped at the both.
"Yeah well you're a girl. You need people there to help cause you're weaker then us men." Nathan said.
"He's got a point Becky. You needed the help. Lets just kick him out." Darren finished.
Becky kicked Darren this time.
"What is it Darren?! Do you think he might be a threat to yours and Katie's imaginary relationship. Get over yourself she can do better." Becky snapped.
Lucas snickered and Kate blushed slightly. I looked around confused.
"Anyway Brendon," Katelynn started, clearly trying to change the subject. "What sport are you good at?"