Unexpected Places

Chapter 10

William's P.O.V

As I was walking down the street to my house, I remembered that I had forgot my phone at Amanda's house. So I decided to go back and get it real fast.

Boy did I wish that I wouldn't have done that. I was getting ready to knock on the door when I heard yelling, so I looked through the window to see what was going on. Soon as I looked through the window, I seen the worst thing that could happen. Amanda and Mike were kissing. I can't believe this. I couldn't look anymore and just forgot about my phone and started back home as fast as I could. I thought she loved me.

-------The Next Day------

Christina's P.O.V

I was watching TV and it was about eleven o'clock. Well I wander where Amanda is she is usually the first one up in the morning. I started to go upstairs to see if she was in her room. When I got to her door I could hear her listening to Fall Out Boy. It was turned up really loud I think that I could hear her crying. I knocked on the door.

"Come in," she said.

When I opened the door she was laying on her bed with tears running down her face.

"What wrong?" I asked as I closed the door. I sat down next to her so that I was ready to listen to whatever she was about to tell me.

"Well last night after I walked in on you guys I went back downstairs and started talking to Mike. When all of a sudden he said he had to tell me something. He told me that he liked me and I just sat there. Then he kissed me, but the other bad part about it is that I think I liked it." She said.

"That doesn't sound as bad as I thought it was going to be. If you don't mind me asking why are you crying about that?" I asked

"Well William might have seen us. Cause I seen that he forgot his phone after Mike left. I know William probably came back for it cause he never goes anywhere without it. So I tried to call his house and when I said hey, he said I can't believe you and hang up the phone." She said trying not to start crying again.

"Wow" That was all that I could say.

"Christina I don't know what to do."

"All you can really do is go and talk to him about it."

"Well then I guess that is what I am going to go do then." She said getting up and putting on her hoodie and shoes.

William' s P.O.V

I just couldn't believe her. She kept trying to call but after the first call I stopped answering it. She broke my heart. I couldn't stay here all day cause she would keep calling so I decided to go to the coffee shop down the street. I told my mom where I was going and started my way there.

When I got there I ordered my coffee and found a seat. Then Sarah came in. She was a girl that we went to middle school with. She was really nice and Amanda and I use to be friends with her. She also use to have a crush on me. I thought I might as well talk to her. So I called her name and she came over and sat down. We started talking about high school and the good old days.

Amanda's P.O.V

When I got to William's house his mom told me where he went, so I started my way to the coffee shop.

When I got there I seen William talking to Sarah. She was someone we use to hang out with in middle school. The only thing bad about her was she use to have a crush on William.

William seen me walk in and gave me a really dirty look. That's when he did it, he kissed Sarah. He did that to get back at me and it worked. They didn't stop. Tears started running down my face. I turned around and ran out the door and was on my way home.

I didn't look where I was going I just kept on running. Then I ran into someone. I fell on the sidewalk and looked out to see a hand stretched out to help me up. I took the hand and stood up to see that it was Mike that I ran into. I was still crying.

"Are you ok?" he asked.
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